Um…nuthin’ but a good time.
GAWD, that had to be so frustrating.
Harris, Whoppers, and the rest of their vile crew did so much groundwork and spent enormous time and energy spreading so much hateful spew themselves, really working the Nazi angle before the actual Madison Square Garden event…
I think a licensed pharmacist can recommend something for that condition.
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) October 28, 2024
…with some of the usual loons waxing particularly dramatic in their efforts.
MSNBC is facing fierce backlash for using Nazi rally clips during its coverage of Donald Trump’s historic campaign event at Madison Square Garden on Sunday.
— New York Post (@nypost) October 28, 2024
They also made sure they kept the drumbeat going during the Trump get-together if you checked in to scare yourself.
A sample of Chryons covering the MSG rally from the “news” media:
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) October 27, 2024
For all the breathless and dire warnings about Trump and those who were voting for him or, God forbid, enthusiastic supporters who might even consider trekking into the city for the rally – DON’T JOIN THE NAZIS!!! – regular folks of all stripes didn’t seem to be paying them any mind anymore.
Lots of people from all walks of life were heading to the Garden to be there for that rally, come hell, high water, or media hyperventilation.
— Peggy Dodson (@PeggyDodson) October 27, 2024
Almost as if every last one of us has heard all their bull Schlitz one too many times and now it just kinda bounces off as so much annoying noise..
On way to MSG Trump rally
Uber driver Omar is from Morocco, in the U.S. for 22 years
“People just need to use their brains. Kamala has been in for 4 years and what has she done?”
As I get out of the car, he yelled: “Make sure you VOTE EARLY!”
People are awake and mobilized
— Arynne Wexler (@ArynneWexler) October 27, 2024
The meltdown in the comments on the pictures is hysterical in itself.
New York City is overflowing with a sea of MAGA hats for the MSG event. Progressives outraged. #msg #trump
— Brennan Stultz (@theinkbubble) October 27, 2024
You bet your bippy Trump supporters were gonna be there if there was any way they could.
They camped out overnight, packed the subways, turned the skyscraper-enclosed streets into a river of red MAGA hats and paraded cars and trucks laden with Donald Trump flags through the heart of the Big Apple.
The Republican presidential nominee was in town and his “Make America Great Again” supporters were out in force to show that even in the bluest part of one of the bluest states they are a movement to be reckoned with.
Trump’s image blazed on the jumbotrons outside Madison Square Garden with the words “Dream Big Again!” and his supporters were dreaming about Trump back in the White House, propelled over the finish line by a rally Sunday at one of the world’s iconic arenas.
“Good, bad, whatever, it’s historical and something to witness,” said Mike Zarro, a 28-year-old tow truck driver from Long Island who told USA TODAY he’d set out for Manhattan in the pre-dawn hours to make it to the Trump rally.
‘Nazis, Nazis, Nazis’ packed the sidewalks early to save their places in line for the rally, although I’m not sure they fit the traditional mold the MSM kept trying to scare everyone with (Perhaps that tired a** slur is something they need to work on a whole lot?)
…North Carolina retiree Bill Robinson, 65, said he has been to 53 Trump rallies since 2015. As for Trump at Madison Square Garden, Robinson said that it would be “the granddaddy of them all” while camping out Saturday afternoon near the arena and the first person in a line that would stretch across a whole city block by the next morning.
“Fifty percent of the rally is Trump, the rest of it is hanging around like-minded people,” said Robinson.
Near Robinson, Pennsylvania truck driver Richard Everit, 59, waved a Trump flag and exchanged fist bumps with passersby who offered words of support for the former president.
…His Trump flag, hat and shirt caused Brad James to stop as he walked past.
An immigrant from Jamaica who attends an Ivy League law school, James, 25, said he and his twin brother “came here the right way.” He resents that his family can’t afford to buy steak anymore for their weekend cookouts and believes Trump will tackle inflation.
Finally, the lucky 20K who fit got inside, and the 75 thousand (!) still outside, but who didn’t fit?
Well, dang, if they didn’t peacefully and joyfully watch what was happening inside on the big screens while communing with like souls.
Sort of, um, adult civilized behavior, no?
Now, think about this. Over 100K red hat-wearing, Republican-voting Americans are swarming the bluest city of all for an event that has been lambasted and painted as the Gates of Hell opening right in Manhattan – so basically, a media call to arms for their undisciplined and violent storm troops to assemble – and what happened?
Prior to the rally, people in line called out a suspicious person with a backpack, and police investigated.
President Trump having a rally in Manhattan 9 days before an election is marvelous in two ways.
First, it is where crooked Hillary had to cancel her winners speech.
Second, it’s a big middle finger to Alvin Bragg, Letisha James, and hack Merchant.
— Shaun Humphrey (@ShaunHumphrey65) October 27, 2024
After the rally? When even more happy, charged hordes of people from inside the Garden poured into the throngs already on the streets?
Chaos, death, destruction, violence, and blood, right?
There was an overflow of 75.000 MAGA Supporters through the Streets of NYC.. Orderly, singing. Happy,Loving,Fellowshipping, while The Rally Was In Progress, Full Capacity at MSG. So much Joy and Enthusiasm ❤️🙏🇺🇸
— Carolina DaCosta (@Carolin18841607) October 28, 2024
“Not a single incident or protest” NYPD
Not one
— John Ʌ Konrad V (@johnkonrad) October 27, 2024
Wait, wait! I know the Left was counting on Antifa, the Palestinian protestors – God knows there were thousands of Jewish Nazis at this rally to thump on – BLM! Surely the Left’s precious tools of intimidation were lurking behind lamposts and ready to go to work?
It seems not.
They only prey on people when they can outnumber them.
— James Valvis (@JamesValvis) October 28, 2024
How ’bout them apples?
So for all their blustering, hankie waving, and calumny against regular Americans exercising their freedom of assembly in a civilized manner and having a grand time of it to boot, the best the hard Left and GOP squishes have to moan about this morning is a bad joke about Puerto Rico?
I think it was pretty stupid of Trump to hold that rally, and that it may cost him. Politics and comedy aren’t the same thing, and one doesn’t have to be offended by jokes (I pretty much never am) to know that.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) October 28, 2024
Gracious. Talk about overreacting.
Did he say anything about what MSNBC running old Nazi footage was going to cost the Democrats?
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) October 28, 2024
You know who I was pleasantly surprised by?
The sober and honest assessments. Like Jonathan Karl.
WOAH. Even ABC’s Jon Karl is praising Trump’s MSG rally:
“Trump has created a movement, there’s no doubt. I can’t think of another Republican figure of my lifetime who could’ve come into a Democrat city like New York and put together anything like that.”
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) October 28, 2024
And one from my friend Marc Caputo, who made what I thought was a simple but oh, so true observation that is still catching holy hell in the comments from rabid progressive followers.
They find it extremely offensive.
Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally has the quality of a Republican National Convention reboot. It has some of the same speakers, but one didn’t address the RNC who’s speaking now: Melania Trump
— Marc Caputo (@MarcACaputo) October 27, 2024
I can only assume this is because the RNC was so damn compelling.
So, to repeat – what happens when over one hundred thousand Trump supporters who’ve been relentlessly smeared as Nazis swarm a major city to attend a single event?
Ah. Nothing and everything.
I’ll leave you with my favorite snippet. There’s no way you can’t smile.
Tucker Carlson🔥💥: Just pause for one moment, imagine you’re Donald Trump; you’re from New York City, you become famous in New York City, you make your fortune in New York City, and all of a sudden the leadership of New York City decides they’re going to destroy you because they…
— Melissa Hallman (@dotconnectinga) October 27, 2024
Read the full article here