It has been happening all year long, of course, from the moment it became obvious that Trump was serious about pursuing another shot at the White House.
The Lefty “He’s a Hitler, she’s a Hitler, they’re all Hitler, doesn’t it seem like you’re a Hitler, too” sing-song approach to smearing every Trump supporter as a collective with zero individuals. And, at every turn, reviling and, most importantly, defining the Bad Orange Man in specific terms like dictator, authoritarian, unhinged, fascist, and ‘threat to democracy’ insurrectiony.
Please pardon my tinfoil hat, but I firmly believe the hysteria is purposeful, planned, and coordinated across the various progressive entities, from activist groups to media to ‘mainstream’ Democratic entities to the hardcore faux GOP Never-Trumpers. The language is verbatim and repetitive, whether is being shrieked on the street or seen in duplicate headlines from any number of supposedly independent news organizations.
To what end?
A couple of things. Painting followers as violent extremists, racists, and insurrectionists builds a class character portrait that allows the Left, when the time comes – or Election Day – to act with impunity. To turn their violent storm troops loose in defense of all those values the Trump faction threatens by winning or having won.
Dem leaders, especially in larger blue cities, can wave helplessly at the carnage and mewl, “I can’t stop them. They’re frightened out of their minds now that we have elected Hitler, and who could blame them? Who will save us if violent protest won’t?“
I read a pretty provocative article the other day that talked about this very thing – how the hysteria is orchestrated to an end game. Is the Left Preparing for War If Trump Wins? That’s not such a crazy question.
The propaganda campaign labeling Donald Trump as an aspiring dictator determined to use the military and national security apparatus against his political opponents is designed not to affect the upcoming election but rather to shape the post-election environment. It is the central piece of a narrative that, by characterizing Trump as a tyrant (indeed likening him to Hitler), establishes the conditions for violence — not just another attempt on Trump’s life, but political violence on a massive scale intended to destabilize the country.
As I write in my forthcoming book Disappearing the President, Democratic Party research and media reports show that many senior party officials and operatives are preparing for the possibility of a Trump victory. Accordingly, planning is focused on undermining the incoming president with enough violence to rock his administration. Prominent post-election scenarios forecast such widespread rioting that the newly elected president would be compelled to invoke the Insurrection Act. With some senior military officials refusing to follow Trump’s orders, according to the scenarios, the U.S. Armed Forces would split, leaving America on the edge of the abyss.
By vilifying Trump as a despotic madman who must be stopped before he can commence his reign of terror, the regime’s propaganda apparatus not only slanders Trump but also pre-emptively threatens the reputation, as well as the livelihood and perhaps the liberty, of current military personnel. The point is to push the military against Trump: When the time comes to act, will you stand for democracy or side with a tyrant who sees the military only as an instrument to advance his personal interests?
Are things as dire re: the military, as this piece posits? Lord, I hope not. But there is most assuredly a “determined effort” to frame Trump as a “despotic madman.”
How do they do that? What would a “despotic” madman do? Would he, say…?
Whoopi Goldberg claimed that Donald Trump would separate interracial marriages and force the white person to marry another white person.
She probably needs to look at @JDVance‘s family photos. @RubinReport
— The Rubin Report (@RubinReportShow) October 29, 2024
Sounds pretty mad to me. And I didn’t come up with that nor did anything akin to something that insane ever come out of Donald Trump’s mouth. Whoopee pulled it out of thin air to terrorize viewers and lemmings and made sure millions heard it.
In today’s edition of “madman messaging” Liz Cheney and the outrage brigade are sharing a wild story about madman Trump wanting to put Miss Perpetually Pained in front of a firing squad. Noted DTS sufferer Jonah Goldberg made sure to play along.
Trump said nothing remotely like this, of course, but we have a narrative to lock into place before Tuesday, and scummy tools like Jonah are willing to lend a shovel.
Trump tells Liz Cheney to pick up a rifle & face the enemies she wants other people’s kids to die fighting
Jonah Goldberg (Dem, CNN): Trump wants Liz Cheney to face a firing squad
That’s shamefully
— Jim Hanson (@JimHansonDC) November 1, 2024
Goldberg has since walked his comments back, claiming ignorance of the WHOLE STORY…
…This morning on CNN I referred to Trump’s “rifles” quote as him advocating a “firing squad” for Liz Cheney. I was reacting in haste to what were objectively appalling and irresponsible comments that had been framed in the set-up piece in the context of previous statements Trump made about shooting protestors and having generals “executed.” Still, I was wrong to say he was calling for a firing squad execution. After I said that, my co-panelist, Brad Todd made the case that I was wrong. Brad was right and, again, I was wrong. Trump was making – albeit in his customary fashion – a different argument about Cheney’s alleged foreign policy views and the use of force. I let my disgust at Trump’s comments get the better of me as this was the first time I’d heard them.
…but hey, give it a rest, dude. You shooting off at the mouth first, thanks to your terminal TDS, without knowing THE WHOLE STORY, just gave them the soundbites they needed.
The entire liberal media establishment is giving it their undivided attention.
Yesterday, President Trump explained that Liz Cheney is a radical War Hawk who never served in our military & doesn’t understand the devastating cost of war.
Democrats & media are taking this out of context AGAIN & using it to slander President Trump.
— Byron Donalds (@ByronDonalds) November 1, 2024
Everything is a complete and twisted interpretation of what Trump said.
JUST IN: Democratic Arizona attorney general investigates Trump for potential “death threat” after comments on Liz Cheney
“I have already asked my criminal division chief to start looking at that statement.”
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) November 1, 2024
It is an utter fabrication in order to advance a portrait of Trump as an unhinged, dangerous lunatic who might imprison everyone if he gets elected.
Or just, what the hell – Gary Gilmore them.
Usually when press lies about Trump or conservatives, I roll eyes or at most do quick vent. But lies re Cheney comments are different because it is not just a blatant lie: It is a blatant attempt to interfere in the election.
— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) November 1, 2024
Writing a piece for Spectator on Trump’s comments on Liz Cheney and I can’t find the entire quote from any of the first listed news sources on Google – CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, AP, Washington Post and Reuters.
At none of these outlets is the entire quote published.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 1, 2024
Whacha gonna do when it’s all of them? Pass around what the former president actually said.
Get it out there and expose the frauds for what they are.
…Trump was interviewed Thursday night by former Fox TV host Tucker Carlson at an arena event in Glendale.
“She’s a radical war hawk. Let’s put her with a rifle standing there with nine barrels shooting at her, OK? Let’s see how she feels about it, you know, when the guns are trained on her face.”
The “nine barrels” comment has been interpreted as suggesting Cheney could face a firing squad.
Recognize that what they are doing is a coordinated attack.
Then – ‘Look at Trump’s puny and pathetic efforts already fighting his phony voter fraud battles,’ WaPo mouthpieces sneered.
That proves the man is unfit because he’s already setting up a scenario where he does not have to accept the results of a fair election!
Hugh Hewitt politely pointed out the information they had to leave out of their bold assertions for them to be true and got sniffed at by a pissy progressive anchor just trying to spread ‘the Word’ for his trouble.
Hugh fact-checked them brilliantly and they couldn’t handle the truth,
Hugh couldn’t handle the preening hubris any longer.
Massive props to Hugh.
— tree hugging s*ster 🎃 (@WelbornBeege) November 1, 2024
To his great credit, Hewitt walks out on their refusal to acknowledge the lies, and, as John notes in an earlier post on it, Hugh flat-out quits.
The word “fascist” has been used in concert with “Trump” so many times that if a bold progressive declines to questions its application, they wind up in a firestorm.
Ana Kasparian from the The Young Turks TRIGGERS Cenk Uygur.🤣🤣🤣
Cenk was BIG MAD because she pointed out the fact that the main stream media and democrat leadership keep calling Trump a fascist with ZERO backing.
ANA: “If we’re just gonna use fascist towards anyone we dislike…
— Brandon Tatum (@TheOfficerTatum) October 30, 2024
And, my God, aren’t the networks toadies angry when their “Trump’s A FASCIST, DAMMIT” messaging doesn’t seep into the pores of every knuckling-dragging garbage person in fly-over country.
They take it so personally.
Hilarious: ABC shows early voting data that essentially shows Trump is going to win Nevada.
A seething George Stephanopoulos asks to see polling about how many voters view Trump as a fascist. 🤣
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) October 25, 2024
I’ve done enough posts on CBS for you all to know how every single broadcast every single night goes.
The main stream media is the enemy of the people.
Just listen to Nora O’Donnell of the CBS Evening News cover for Joe Biden and dis Donald Trump.
— Gays For Trump (@GaysForTrump24) October 31, 2024
If you start to listen with a tuned ear these last few days, you’ll hear it loud and clear as a clarion call.
We can’t ignore it and what they’re trying to do. We have to recognize it as an organized effort, not a million pissy little entities.
So here we are – on the cusp of, God willing – a win.
There is some chance of sanity returning to the government and the country, and yet every opposing force is working overtime together to ensure it doesn’t happen. Or, if they can’t stop it at the ballot box, ensure the cleansing Trumpian sunlight never has a chance of reaching Washington after January 20th, 2025.
We’re on to them – if we constantly expose the narrative and interrupt their signal every time we catch it, they can’t do it.
The Federalist has already declared war on the weirdos and it’s glorious!
Here’s A List Of Every Garbage Journalist Who Lied About Trump’s Liz Cheney Chickenhawk Comments
…Anyone with a basic grasp of English and a bit of context understands what Trump was conveying. But you don’t have to imagine how brazenly the lying dog-faced pony-soldier media massaged that sentiment — that we should be careful with the precious lives of our troops — into something sinister.
You can tell the other side isn’t messing around with the messaging to their dangerously weird minions.
This is amazing. My favorite work of lefty hysteria art to date.
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) November 1, 2024
Lemme see your war face, as a famous Gunny once said.
We might damn well need it.
Just remember: They’re willing to do this, to go this crazy, to be this dishonest, at a moment’s notice.
All you have to do is threaten them with the loss of power.
— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) November 1, 2024
Read the full article here