My vote for Donald Trump has already paid off multiple times in the last month. But even if Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s appointment as secretary of Health and Human Services were the only win, it would have been worth it. And as if the heavens themselves agreed, RFK Jr.’s swearing-in happened just as the University of Washington released the first serious academic study confirming that the COVID mRNA vaccines don’t work.
Hmmmmmm. Why does the University of Washington sound so familiar? Think back to early 2020, when everyone checked COVID forecasts daily to see just how badly we were going to be screwed. Bill Gates and his Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation models from the University of Washington were the driving force behind the primary pandemic propaganda.
Let the lion out of its cage and give the truth its day.
We were told, “The end is near.” Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx used IHME’s projections to pressure states into lockdowns, warning that failure to comply would turn America into a scene from “The Walking Dead.” We had to double mask, never touch the so-called “horse paste,” and wait patiently for the sacred Pfizer vaccine to save us. Pfizer gods be praised!
But instead of piles of bodies and a narrowly averted catastrophe, we got one of the biggest grifts in history. And now, the University of Washington is finally admitting it. Or as John Cusack’s Lane Meyer famously put it in the 1985 cult classic “Better Off Dead”: “Gee, I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Ricky.”
For four years, they imposed their worldview on us, no matter how cruel and irrational it was. That goal mattered more than anything else. It mattered so much that they forced it on us through IHME and Big Pharma, despite knowing the COVID shots had a questionable safety profile — including a 7% serious incident rate, as revealed by the CDC’s own V-safe data. The shots poisoned us, and they didn’t work — just as we warned back in 2021 and most recently in my best-selling book with Daniel Horowitz, “Rise of the Fourth Reich.”
Now that we’ve broken free from the grip of the IHME witch doctors, the math is clear. You were at least 160% more likely to suffer an adverse reaction from the COVID vaccine than to be hospitalized for COVID. Worse, you had a 1,600% greater chance of experiencing a serious adverse event from the vaccine than of dying from the virus itself.
Who, knowing that math and not already psychologically and emotionally addicted to the supposed magic of vaccines, would willingly take on that level of risk? No one in their right mind, that’s who.
Instead of rushing even more mRNA technology into the marketplace, the obvious conclusion is to pull it off the market entirely. The only real victory in the risk-versus-reward equation for this unproven medical intervention has been financial — Big Pharma’s relentless pursuit of profit under the “Show me the money!” mantra. Now, despite mounting concerns, these same companies want to use mRNA to cure cancer, even though the technology may already be responsible for causing it.
This is why RFK Jr. is being welcomed to Washington, D.C., with palm branches and hosannas. The time has come for an honest, definitive hearing about what these people did to us — and what they plan to do again.
Let the lion out of its cage and give the truth its day. RFK Jr. will undoubtedly face cross-examination over some of his findings from those who profit from decades of medical and health-related lies. But that debate doesn’t scare me — far from it. I welcome it. After all, when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one you hit.
Let’s have friction. Let’s have a debate. Let’s have a trial. Let justice roll on like a river.
You’re up to bat, RFK Jr. Swing for the fences.
Read the full article here