In a five-minute exchange, the future of the Democratic Party was laid bare.
We all know the Democratic Party’s brand is as toxic as Bud Light’s. Recently, it seems, the party is committing a public suicide, staking out every worst position on the issues Americans care about. Sex changes for kids are good; endless wars are even better; bloated bureaucracies wasting tax dollars are not just excellent, they are essential. (Subscribe to MR. RIGHT, a weekly newsletter about modern masculinity)
The party now has a choice in the second Trump era: either continue the self-immolation or find smarter, fresher voices to put out the political fires and move forward with a more positive message that can actually appeal to the voters who shifted toward Trump in the last election.
And I’m not talking about a voice like Chris Murphy, whom The New York Times blessed in a recent profile. Or Jasmine Crockett. Or an oldie but goodie, Andrew Cuomo. I’m talking about someone like Stephen A. Smith.
Nowadays, Democrats are either — literally — scripted bots parroting propaganda written by Rosario Dawson’s ex-boyfriend, or they are going full Crockett Rocket and wishing for the demise of America. (RELATED: Rep. Jasmine Crockett’s Spectacular Trainwreck May Come Back To Haunt Democrats)
The Dems have devised a brilliant new messaging strategy ahead of Trump’s address to Congress: get some comms staffer to write a flaccid speech about “billionaires” and “vital government services” and have 22 senators recite it verbatim
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— Thomas English (@tenglishDC) March 4, 2025
Clearly you are triggered by the truth.
It was me. Keep your truck.
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) March 4, 2025
Smith is different, though. Like Trump pre-2016, he’s an outsider to the system. He doesn’t curry favor with either party and has natural charisma and common sense that is both refreshing and much-needed in Washington, D.C. I’m not saying he should run, but should he run for political office — as a Democrat — he would handily defeat an establishment politician like Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, or Pete Buttigieg.
He would also crush someone like Cuomo, who appeared on his show Monday. The disgraced ex-New York governor and big-hearted Italian is currently on a rehab tour after having announced his candidacy for New York City mayor on Saturday.
Smith asked Cuomo about his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the “nursing home crisis,” triggering a remorseless, five-minute rant from his guest, who appeared to think he did absolutely nothing wrong.
The exchange perfectly captured the Democratic Party’s current dilemma: establishment creatures shirking responsibility for their debacles, and all the while refusing to step aside for better leaders.
Here’s Smith, the outsider, taking Cuomo, a Democratic machine politician, to task. And there’s the future of the Democratic Party: more of the same or someone and something new?
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