Is humanity doomed to be subjugated to technology and bureaucratic power? As cryptocurrency slips closer to the hands of governments and tech giants, it may seem that the future of tech is already written in stone. However, some people are proposing a freer, more independent future in the digital landscape, refusing to bend the knee to the authoritarian trends in our society.
On “Zero Hour,” Logan Allen, entrepreneur, software developer, and founder and CEO of Zorp Corp, sat down with James Poulos to discuss cryptocurrency, the importance of critical infrastructure, and the future of technology.
Allen talked about the competing “cults” currently vying for power in the age of cryptocurrency. According to him, Silicon Valley represents the worship of technology, while the D.C. “Paper Belt” represents the worship of bureaucracy. Allen, however, said he is placing his bets on a third option, the worship of God: “All you need is a cult that truly believes in God, in competence, and in generational transfer of knowledge. If you have that, you win on a long enough timeline.”
Unfortunately, these other cults recognize the power of cryptocurrency and are seeking to take control of it. Currently, the industry is not as free as it may sound: “Most of the cryptocurrency industry is centered around building a series of virtual scam games, where the game is to play a lottery where you’re guaranteed to lose money if you’re not an insider.”
Zorp Corp, which finds itself at the intersection of critical infrastructure and decentralized currency, recognized a serious problem that needed a solution: “The problem is that we are not training new people to understand the infrastructure that keeps our water clean, that keeps our power plants running, that keeps our trains from derailing, that keeps our supply chains working. We’re not training new people to do these things because the people that are smart are instead being trained to send emails to each other. This is a civilizational killer.”
Logan Allen’s company seeks to provide a solution to the generational skills problem as well as an alternative future of technology to the ones Silicon Valley and the Paper Belt are proposing: “We’re trying to make tools that allow software developers to build things with 100 times less effort and man-hours. We want to make it so that people can build tools that are more secure, more stable, require fewer updates, and require small organizations to maintain and keep running.”
To hear more about Zorp Corp, zero-knowledge proofs, the future of cryptocurrency, and the battle for supremacy between technology and bureaucracy, watch the full episode of “Zero Hour” with James Poulos.
Read the full article here