Let me first mention something that I didn’t cover in the video: what does “COA” stand for? Well, nothing. They just wanted a name that they could trademark that wasn’t already in use. So go ahead and make up your own acronym.
It may be hard to see how a pistol red dot sight could be exciting, but if you’re into this sort of the, the new Aimpoint COA has some really neat features. Specifically:
* Really excellent mounting system that fixed the problems of recoil lugs and screw holes into the delicate bits of pistol slides
* Improved software with things like automatic brightness step-down to maintain battery life
* Reduced width, essentially taking the Acro and removing the outer shell.
* Automated assembly, to reduce end user cost.
The project has been a collaboration with Glock, and so Glock has the exclusive use of the COA for the first year, starting now. After that, Aimpoint will release the A-cut specifications to industry for everyone else to use.
Disclaimer: I don’t have a COA myself, unless they decide to give me one after this video publishes. I went to Aimpoint on my own dime (thanks, Patreon!) to film the funky and cool PDW they built in 1979 (that video is coming soon), and they asked if I wanted to see the secret new thing while I was there. So of course I said yes, and this video is the result.
Read the full article here