We are not a nation of laws, and we never have been. We are a nation of political will, and we always will be. Take Florida for example.
What is happening in the Sunshine State is a reminder that the Bible is always correct. The dog returns to its own vomit. Which is another way of saying no one rises above his own worldview. No one. If you’re a junkie, you’ll continue to be one until your worldview has changed. If you’re an abuser, you’ll continue to be one until your worldview has changed. If you’re a simp, you’ll continue to be one until your worldview has changed. If you’re a resident of Covidstan, you will continue to hate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. until your worldview has changed.
The opposition to RFK Jr., Trump, or DeSantis isn’t really about principles — it’s about the fragile male egos of the ‘nicer than God’ Christian-GOP establishment.
If there were ever a place where people instinctively did the right thing because it benefited them — without necessarily believing in the underlying principles — it would be Ron DeSantis’ Florida.
He rejected every GOP consultant’s playbook to transform Florida from a place that narrowly gave him a victory over a guy who once snorted cocaine off a gay hooker’s behind to a place that awarded him a decisive 20-point landslide four years later. And incidentally, his victory contributed to the near-total collapse of the Florida Democratic Party. So obviously, a lot of GOP consultants should never work again, right?
Nope! Oh, look! Vomit!
The Florida Republican legislature is eating it up in the name of protecting illegal immigration in Florida by trying to give the state agriculture commissioner more power to police the matter than the governor possesses, thus trying to turn DeSantis into a lame duck as we speak.
Take notes, my friends, because I promise you this: If the GOP loses the 2026 midterms by pulling its punches and channeling the spirit of Mitt Romney, the same type of Republicans in Washington will try to undermine Donald Trump’s presidency. They resent that both Trump and DeSantis forced them to take actions they had long avoided.
If they can’t accept victory in Florida, seize the momentum, and ride the wave to success elsewhere, they won’t do it anywhere. There is no real conservative movement — only men wielding power.
Which brings us back to RFK Jr. and the opposition to his nomination as secretary of health and human services, led by evangelical figures like Mike Pence.
The GOP’s problems stem largely from the same issues that plague the church. In this case, Republicans with weak pro-life records use RFK Jr.’s stance on baby-killing as a smokescreen to excuse their broader failures. Take Francis Collins, for example — a so-called pious Christian who rubber-stamped Anthony Fauci’s disastrous policies that upended American life and pushed the poisonous jab. Collins has never expressed a shred of remorse.
Meanwhile, within two weeks of retaking office, Trump reinstated 8,000 service members to full rank and back pay after they were purged from the military, cracked down on transgender ideology in hospitals and women’s sports, and ramped up deportations of rapists and drug traffickers who prey on children.
That looks pretty pro-life to me, far more pro-life than anything Mike Pence has done. The opposition to RFK Jr., Trump, or DeSantis isn’t really about principles — it’s about the fragile male egos of the “nicer than God” Christian-GOP establishment, whose only true conviction is maintaining a grifty hold on power.
I’m absolutely done with that vomit. And you should be, too. Be honest with yourself and realize that there is more pro-life action being taken by the Trump administration than in all other GOP administrations combined. Take “yes” for an answer and let RFK Jr. go to work in the battle of wills before us.
Read the full article here