Former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt.
Right now, that’s the one thing we can agree on throughout the nation. Beyond that, everything seems to be up for debate.
Some think it’s a good thing the shooter missed. Some think it’s a bad thing. Most of the latter group have the good sense to keep that opinion to themselves, but a handful aren’t that wise and are now finding out that was a stupid decision on their part the hard way.
Many others are using this attack as an opportunity to call for gun control. A lot of people are doing so.
Meanwhile, Trump’s fellow Republicans are taking a different tone entirely.
Days after Thomas Matthew Crooks put former President Donald Trump’s head in the sights of an assault-style rifle, Rep. Wesley Hunt made the case to keep the AR-15 in Americans’ hands.
Hunt, R-Texas, warned an audience Tuesday morning that an AR-15 ban could become a “Trojan horse” that could lead to wider gun restriction if proponents on “the left” try to push the issue in the wake of the assassination attempt.
“My message to you all is to be vigilant here,” Hunt said, noting assault-style rifles are responsible for a small fraction of U.S. homicides. “They cannot go after our AR-15s. The second we allow them to infringe on that, we are letting the fox in the henhouse.”
The attempt on Trump’s life was a stunning moment in American history and in this year’s presidential race. Images of the former president — hand reaching for his bloodied ear, being tackled by security, and then resurging with a victorious fist in the air — shocked the nation and have electrified his already-passionate base of supporters in Milwaukee this week for the Republican National Convention.
Speaking at an event near the convention on Tuesday morning, gun advocates and a top Trump surrogate showed no sign of changing their tune on gun rights. In fact they doubled-down on the idea that more guns can prevent similar tragedies.
“The insinuation that we’re going to just eradicate this country of guns is a ridiculous one. So you better arm yourself accordingly,” Hunt said.
Chris LaCivita, one of Trump’s top campaign advisers, said at the same event that the former president would continue to push for gun rights despite the shooting. He cast Crooks as a rogue actor, saying “99.9%” of gun owners are “very responsible.”
“There are so many different things you can do to curb, you know, problem individuals, as opposed to trying to ban what has clearly been defined by the Constitution as a right,” LaCivita said.
Honestly, this is completely and totally true.
Some will look at what happened and argue that there’s no way this shows that gun rights prevent shootings. I’ll argue that they’re not wrong.
It just doesn’t show the need for gun control, either, and that’s something I think a lot of these Republican voices missed.
Trump had a security detail made up of federal agents specifically trained to prevent assassination attempts. These agents surround him night and day. They’re so dedicated to the job that they will literally jump in front of bullets to protect him.
Despite that, they failed to prevent an attempt on his life.
If the government, with seemingly limitless resources dedicated to protecting just one individual, can’t prevent an attempt on that person’s life, then just how in the hell are your local police–a department stretched thin enough in this day and age and charged with investigating and preventing numerous other crimes–going to protect you?
The short answer is that they can’t.
While we can look back and see all the places the Secret Service screwed up, it doesn’t change the fact that neither you nor I will ever enjoy that level of protection by federal agents unless we end up in prison or something, which I’m damn sure not planning on.
No, it’s up to us to protect ourselves from those who might wish us harm. There isn’t a detail dedicated to protecting us or our families. It’s all on us.
That’s one of the many reasons why this changes nothing about the gun control debate.
Read the full article here