Your typical gun control advocate will tell you that they don’t want to ban gun ownership, they just want some “commonsense gun laws” to keep guns out of criminal hands. They don’t want to take your gun away.
A few are more honest about it, admitting what they want to see, but most have enough intelligence to know that if they all did that, they’d never get anywhere. People are willing to budget a bit, but you can’t go whole hog and expect them to jump on board.
But the truth is that when you blame the tool rather than the tool using it, then there will never be a point when such people figure enough is enough.
How do I know this definitively? Because these jackwagons in England want licensing for airguns.
People who own air weapons across South Yorkshire & North Derbyshire are being reminded they ‘aren’t toys’ & are far ‘more powerful’ than they used to be.
Anti-gun crime campaigners want to see tougher licencing laws brought in across England & Wales – similar to what got introduced in Scotland 8 years ago.
It’s after 6 people were taken to hospital last week following an incident involving an air rifle in the Hansdworth part of Sheffield on Wednesday – which led to the arrest of 5 teenagers.
Peter Squires is from the Gun Control Network in the UK:
“I think it’s time to act. Incidents like what we saw in Sheffield last week are part of the problem around youth violence, which the government says it’s committed to tackling.
“It’s an opportune moment to bring air weapons into the licencing system, to suppress the problem, and do something about this kind of emerging, violent threat.
“There are around 2,500 air weapon injuries per year – this is something we need to do something about.
Yes, really. They want to require licensing for air guns because 2,500 people are injured with them per year out of a population of nearly 56 million people.
In other words, it’s a non-issue.
Now, I get that this came about because of some people misusing air guns. Those teens, if they did actually shoot people, deserve to be punished for what they did. That’s not a topic of debate as far as I’m concerned. They injured people who represented no threat to them or anyone else. You just can’t do that and go unpunished if you want a semi-stable society.
But these are still air guns. They’re not remotely the kind of thing criminals are using to injure and kill people intentionally as part of other crimes. They’re not remotely the same thing as actual firearms.
And these jackwagons want to regulate them to the point that they might as well be.
This is the same country where they’re now selling knives without a point, for crying out loud. Do you really think that our own homegrown anti-gun activist is any different, really? Do you think they’d react any differently? Of course they wouldn’t. This is their reaction to misuse of a thing because that’s all they know how to do. If given half a chance, we’d go right down this exact same road.
I’m pretty sure I speak for a lot of you when I say, “hard pass.”
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