Patrick “Tate” Adamiak got screwed over by the country he swore to serve. For a lot of veterans, we’ve heard that song before, and we have. We’ve all seen our brothers and sisters in arms get boned by Uncle Sam in some way, shape, or form. I’m the son of an Agent Orange case, for crying out loud. I’ve seen it.
But Adamiak got screwed over in ways that should never happen. He was railroaded by the ATF, then hosed by the courts, and he’s now sitting in prison looking at a 20-year sentence when he did nothing wrong.
Lee Williams makes an interesting request over at The Gun Writer for President Donald Trump to consider.
Adamiak should get pardoned and reinstated to the United States Navy.
Patrick “Tate” Adamiak never demonstrated at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. He was not one of the more than 1,500 defendants arrested, jailed and then pardoned by President Donald Trump.
Adamiak never committed 10 counts of wire fraud, four counts of attempted extortion, two counts of conspiracy to corruptly solicit funds and making false statements, like former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, and he wasn’t serving life behind bars plus 40-years for alleged computer crimes like Ross Ulbricht, better known as “Dread Pirate Roberts,” both of whom President Trump pardoned earlier this month.
Adamiak committed no crime, so why is he still serving a 20-year sentence at a federal prison in New Jersey?
Because the ATF screwed up, and they would rather charge an innocent man and force him to serve two decades behind bars than admit the truth—that their special agents don’t have a clue about what they’re doing.
Adamiak, who is now 31, was just a 28-year-old E-6 in the U.S. Navy prior to his arrest. He enjoyed firearms and ran a website that sold gun parts—not guns. He was always extremely careful about what he sold. After all, he had to protect his naval career, which was doing extremely well. Adamiak had already been accepted into Naval Special Warfare, so exciting things were soon headed his way.
But after their informant lied and dozens of heavily armed ATF agents kicked open Adamiak’s door during a search warrant, nothing illegal was found. As a result, the ATF was forced to call in their ringer, Firearms Enforcement Officer Jeffrey Bodell.
Those links at the top of the page outline just some of what happened to Adamiak, and all at the hands of Bodell.
It’s an egregious injustice at every level. No one should be subjected to that, and yet, he was.
Now, to be fair, part of me wants Adamiak to get another trial–a fair one this time–so he can be cleared in a court of law, removing any doubt that he was railroaded by the ATF.
Yet the truth is that after dealing with this for three years, I can see where a pardon would be preferable, especially as the cost of another trial would be ridiculous…for Adamiak. He’d have to pay for legal representation unless he wants to take his chances with a court-appointed attorney, and I doubt he would.
A pardon and a presidential order for him to be reinstated to the United States Navy and to be permitted to resume his path toward becoming a SEAL would be the fastest way to try and make at least some of this right.
I don’t know who all read this, but I’m sincerely hopeful someone at the White House gets wind of this, looks at the information Williams has collected regarding this case, and takes this to the president. The pardon needs to be issued and, hopefully, Bodell be held accountable for his misconduct. Prison for him sounds pretty appropriate, particularly without the hope of a pardon of his own for at least a few years.
Read the full article here