I have a relative who is among the best people I know and is a strong Democrat. She accepts that people disagree with her and even notes that her Trumpy neighbors are generally nicer than her liberal ones.
She still thinks Trump is awful, perhaps evil, and generally believes what she reads. She is smart, immensely ethical, and will or has voted her conscience.
I think most people on all sides of political issues are like that. They are just peaceful people who are not looting a store, pooping in the street, or committing evil deeds not newsworthy.
So, we rarely see them in our newsfeeds. They are invisible when we consume the news and follow the insanity of the 21st century.
I do believe–and there is lots of evidence that this is the case–that the proportion of nutty people doing awful things has grown considerably. Our institutions are fundamentally corrupt, and our elite is driving the country into the ground. We are being sold out by and to a transnational elite who hate us.
But many of the people who blindly follow them believe the hoaxes, the lies, the steady drumbeat of propaganda. They have read The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Scientific American all their lives and find it inconceivable that these trusted institutions would lie to them all day, every day.
That may seem crazy to you, but they are not reading Hot Air or any independent media. They are casual consumers of the news, often highly educated, and likely to be biased to respect elite institutions. They always aspired to be doctors, lawyers, academics, or some other high-prestige job. They naturally respect the institutions run by them.
These people vote Democrat not because they want socialism, or to sterilize children, or “decolonize” the West. They share our basic values, but still trust that the elite shares them too and have our best interests at heart. They, often disproportionately, feel empathy for people in need and want to help, so they are willing to chip in to help bureaucracies help others.
It never occurs to them that there is a reason that homelessness has increased dramatically as spending to “help” the homeless skyrocketed. They believe Gavin Newsom when he says he has a plan to fix homelessness, and has for decades. THIS time it might work.
We look mean and selfish to them. They hear we hate gay people, don’t care about the aged and indigent, and wonder why that is. They believe the spin.
Most Democrats are not blue-haired harpies, although too many are. Most liberal women don’t don pussy hats and scream at Trump supporters. It just seems that way.
I often use harsh words to critique the left and Democrats, but I am referring to the people at the top of the pyramid. The vast majority of Democrats are ordinary people.
The propaganda has worked with them, but they are still decent people whom we should love and invite over. Winning them over is a long-term process. “Can’t you SEE?!?!” is not a persuasive argument. You have to SHOW them, time and again, and you will eventually red-pill them. It does happen, although the breaking point is different for every person.
Joe Biden’s collapse red-pilled a lot of people, but many more don’t want to have their bubble burst. After the election, whoever wins, give them grace. They are not the evil ones.
The liars and hoaxers are. Direct your ire at them.
Read the full article here