Oh, I gotcha now, don’t I?
I’m not pulling your leg, either.
It’s the start of a new week in America after a rock ’em, sock ’em a couple of political shoch-to-the-system weeks, iced by the French just pooping all over DaVinci, the New Testament, and every Christian on Earth.
The last thing you’d want to hear is more dirge-like music overlaying screaming headlines, cities ablaze, and Kamala Harris’ cackling in Trump attack ads, right?
Well, I wouldn’t (since I’m not that kinda gal) (I’m NOT)…and here we are.
In what I consider a masterstroke of brilliant messaging, I am going to dazzle you with the new series of ads that the Trump super PAC Make America Great Again is “microtargeting” to specific audiences.
And I think they should be all over the country, they are SO dynamite.
Why? You won’t believe it.
Because they’re like the soothing Living Strings edition of Trump’s message. No yelling. No cackling. No hordes of illegals storming the border.
It’s the sounds of life and nature and a simple, direct, aspirational message in all of 6-15 seconds of your time.
NEW: The Trump supportive SuperPAC- Make America Great Again Inc – just started running a bunch of short microtargeted video ads like the ones threaded below.
They all feature natural sound (no voice over) & are generally focused on a single shot.
They’ve definitely different! pic.twitter.com/AU4f2Iq4f9
— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) July 22, 2024
Holy smokes, they’re dynamite (Even if it says, ‘Watch on X,’ just hit the blue play arrow).
Here’s one of the ones specifically focused on the military.
There’s about a dozen of them in total – all generally focused on economic, military or family related shots.
They are all being microtargeted at specific communities in key swing states. pic.twitter.com/KiOIgvW7vu
— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) July 22, 2024
These hit the border and energy.
This ad focuses on energy production with a long, wide shot of an oil drill. pic.twitter.com/OQTVHJCR2R
— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) July 27, 2024
Here’s another one related to the military, encouraging less wars. pic.twitter.com/AsiEDMNHro
— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) July 27, 2024
Families and memories…but AFFORDABLE again.
Who doesn’t want that back?
It’s a pretty dramatic shift in tone for the SuperPac. Up until this point, all of their ads have been Biden (& recently Harris) attack ads. All of those were focused on immigration or economic issues. pic.twitter.com/njbEMDHJXv
— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) July 22, 2024
There are more of these little gems. Mr Arenge has climbed into the distribution, and so far, they’re limited to big blue city burbs, but ones where Trump has been making some inroads.
Might the softer, gentler touch capture a few more votes?
Finally dug into targeting of these serene ads from MAGA, Inc., the Trump SuperPAC
All single shots focused on one issue: economy, energy, immigration or military
Running the ads in Philly/Harrisburg burbs, Atlanta burbs, Vegas + Reno, & Phoenix
Still no MI/WI from MAGA, Inc https://t.co/WFyfiUsQXX pic.twitter.com/Dz3oB0UZIh
— Andrew Arenge (@MrArenge) July 25, 2024
It’s worth the try, isn’t it?
I really do think they’re stunning. And what a relief from all the yelling. I know these are meant to be digital, but they’d do great on a national scale, especially at the 15-second length.
We’ve already seen the bar-b-que one here locally, and it caught my attention right off because of the quiet. I was blown away after squinting to read the script from where I was, and told Hubs, “That was a TRUMP ad!”
You know Democrats are stung by the volte-face in ad temperature because they’re squawking that the PAC used stock footage from companies like Getty, etc, for the tiny and very effective moments of Zen. That’s the best they’ve got? It means they have no answer and are sputtering in frustration.
Nothing catches attention more than silence in the cacophony of this current world. People will lean in to hear what they’re sure they’re missing.
Then they’ll read the single line there, written in a friendly, non-aggressive script that frames the visuals instead of obscuring them. And I have no doubt many will connect with the gentle but affirmative sentiment. “Well, yeah.”
And just as many will be shocked the Trump campaign had such a deft touch.
What a jolt to the senses that ads for the much-parodied, constantly vilified oafish Orange circus could be as soothing as waves lapping gently on the moonlit sand of a tropical lagoon, yet so calmly assured and assertive.
The Democrats, all in on spittle-flecked rage, have nothing like it.
I think they’re brilliant.
Read the full article here