The Atlantic, a once-great and now disgraced magazine, is pushing yet another hoax along the lines of “suckers and losers,” “fine people on both sides,” and the Great Russian Pee Tape.
This may be the most disgusting one yet, though. Because, along with President Trump, The Atlantic (and now CBS and the rest of the mainstream media) is going after the family of a fallen service member of modest means and no influence among the self-absorbed smart set.
Donald Trump: “Vietnam would have been a waste of time for me. Only suckers went to Vietnam.”
New, from @TheAtlantic:
— Jeffrey Goldberg (@JeffreyGoldberg) October 22, 2024
In a piece, written by Jeffrey Goldberg, the magazine tediously goes back to the “Hitler” well once again, as you would expect, but embellishes the fascism porn with stories that include a completely and provably apocryphal story about how Donald Trump went into a rage about the cost of a funeral for a Mexican-American soldier.
So many horrifying stories in this @JeffreyGoldberg piece about Trump’s contempt for the military, but Trump yelling about how much it cost to bury a Mexican-American US Army soldier is disgusting even by Trump’s appalling standards:
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) October 22, 2024
It’s pure, unadulterated bulls**t. A stinking pile of crap, and it is difficult to believe that a magazine of the caliber of The Atlantic would consider publishing but for one fact: ORANGE MAN BAD.
Apparently the Hitler label is not effective enough anymore.
This neocon warmonger lady adds Stalin and Mussolini to the mix.
She certainly doesn’t want Trump to put an end to the Ukraine disaster.
— Chris Rossini (@ChrisRossini) October 18, 2024
How do I know it is crap? For one, there is a videotape of the president interacting with the family in question, intervening to make sure they get what they need when they need it. And second, the sister of the soldier called BS on it and proudly just voted for Donald Trump.
Her sister called it out.
— NgaQ (@NgaQ15) October 23, 2024
Her lawyer called it out too.
This is a desperate Hail Mary attempt, an “October Surprise,” intended to change the course of the election as it speeds down the path to an almost inevitable Trump victory. Finding anonymous sources to spread scurrilous lies is nothing new in politics, but it used to be the purview of slimy operatives nobody would want to be seen with, not prestigious magazines with pedigrees that go back to the 19th century.
— Lucidhub (@lucidhub) October 23, 2024
But this Atlantic isn’t what it once was. This is now the magazine that screams “HITLERSTALINMUSSOLINI” reflexively because, well, Trump is so gauche. He is not of their class. He belongs with the proles, not the Hamptons crowd.
Jeffrey Goldberg stories are notable for how many COMPLETELY ON THE RECORD denials he receives for his anonymous quotes and anonymous claims.
If you see someone pushing his information ops, given his track record, be wary of everything they ever say or write from here on out.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) October 23, 2024
Nobody should believe anything the corporate media says anymore. They pushed the Steele Dossier, the RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA hoax, the “Fine People” hoax, the Inject Bleach hoax, the 51 Intelligence Agents hoax, and so many more. Everything they say that effects your life is a lie because Trump threatens their power.
Guillen family lawyer Natalie Khawam, who also appears in the Atlantic article, is also accusing Jeffrey Goldberg of misrepresenting the conversations they had and of lying in the story.
— Jerry Dunleavy IV 🇺🇸 (@JerryDunleavy) October 23, 2024
Obama had dreamy diction and a razor-sharp pants crease! Trump? His suits are expensive, but he is tubby, and his pants wrinkle. He serves McDonalds at the White House!
It’s a stunt, but it’s a brilliant stunt and troll.
McDonalds has always separated the cultural elite from the cultural masses. It’s elite aesthetics vs. normie aesthetics.
Trump has always been a vulgar, uncouth rich person with the taste of a poor, uncultured person. It’s…
— Melissa Chen (@MsMelChen) October 21, 2024
So they lie. They hoax. Every single thing the Democrats are running is a hoax. The “fine people” hoax. The pee tape. Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation. Trump was recruited to be a Russian spy in the 1970s! Trump wrote Project 2025! Suckers and losers!
— VK (@vjeannek) October 22, 2024
The thing is, we don’t believe the hoaxers anymore. We lived through Trump’s presidency. We know who he is. And, as importantly, we know who the transnational elite are.
Drudge Report right now.
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) October 23, 2024
As you all know, I, too, find Trump crass. I JUST DON’T CARE. Trump is our Patton, getting down in the dirt to fight the evil ones. And the transnational elites, not Trump, are the evil ones.
It IS true that some members of the military hate Donald Trump with a passion, but it sure isn’t the enlisted men and women who love America.
On the left: I sent Atlantic a comment saying President Trump “absolutely did not say that,” referring to the alleged comments about Ms. Guillen they printed.
On the right: Atlantic translated that comment to “didn’t hear Trump say it.”
Treat this dishonest piece accordingly.
— Ben Williamson (@_WilliamsonBen) October 22, 2024
It is the current crop of pansy-ass woke generals who are scared to death that Trump will clean out the deadwood. The people who have been skimming off the top, using the military as a social science experiment, those who fight for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and ensuring that every pervert can get his genitals chopped off.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate is the anti-disinformation activist ally of Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, and a messaging vehicle for Labour’s neoliberal think tank, Labour Together. Both the CCDH and Labour Together were founded by Morgan McSweeney, a Svengali credited with piloting Starmer’s rise to Downing Street, much as Karl Rove is credited with guiding George W. Bush to the White House.
DOD Spokesperson John Kirby announces the Pentagon has reversed Trump-era policies largely banning transgender people from serving in the military.
— The Recount (@therecount) March 31, 2021
The irony of this elite freakout and hoax creation is that ordinary people see through it now. Jeffrey Goldberg and Tom Nichols think that spewing this bile will influence the proles. If they can spread a hoax that Trump hates the little guy then the little guys will fall in line and revere the cocktail-swilling Hamptons crowd.
The U.S. military claims it has launched an investigation into the soldiers who posted photos of themselves in uniform wearing dog bondage masks.
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 15, 2022
It’s not going to work this time. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Does Jeffrey Goldberg believe this BS? Perhaps. He may be brainwashed enough to think that Trump is capable of anything. But then again, his is the social circle that admired Jeffrey Epstein because he had an office at Harvard, and that idolizes Anthony Fauci while knowing he is himself a hoaxer.
Left: “Trump is Speaking Like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.”
Trump: “Would you like fries with that?”— Margot Cleveland (@ProfMJCleveland) October 22, 2024
My guess? These people KNOW they are lying. They are trying yet another hoax. Lawfare didn’t work. Assassination attempts failed. The switcheroo failed. JOY! failed.
So they are going back to a golden oldie: suckers and losers, with a bit of racism thrown in for good measure.
You don’t hate these people enough. Let’s go humiliate them at the polls.
Read the full article here