As the COVID coverup unravels–at least for normies, it is unraveling, I and many others have been censored since 2020 for stating the obvious–the Pravda Media is looking to cover their behinds by claiming to have been “misled.”
We all know they were co-conspirators, of course, but they can’t admit that. And they wouldn’t, but for the raft of leaks from various intelligence agencies in recent weeks revealing that they all knew that the virus was engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Anybody with access to the data, or for that matter even the smallest quantity of common sense, at least strongly suspected that the virus escaped from the lab. The evidence was overwhelming, and all the attempts to debunk the lab leak theory were ridiculous.
“Ted Cruz missed the cartoon that claimed COVID couldn’t have come from a lab” remains an all-timer. Truly one of the greatest assertions by a “fact-checker” in history.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) March 17, 2025
Raccoon dogs? Bats from a wet market? The raccoon dog theory was based on finding a fragment of the virus at the wet market near the raccoon dogs pens, but then again Wuhan was filled with people who HAD COVID while buying products at the market, so that tells you precisely nothing. The bat theory seems superficially plausible, until you realize that the only bats carrying a virus remotely similar were from hundreds of miles away, and those were collected and brought to…the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
I wrote last week about the leak from German Intelligence, which told Angela Merkel early in 2020 that the virus came from the lab, and now the same information is coming from the UK.
“It is now beyond reasonable doubt that Covid-19 was engineered in Wuhan Institute of Virology… [China] is now engaged in an information & influence operation (IO) to deflect responsibility….the Journal Nature was used to promulgate the narrative…”
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 16, 2025
Boris Johnson was told in no uncertain terms by MI-6 that the virus was engineered in China, and he likely also knew that the US had funded the program that made it through the UK-associated EcoHealth Alliance. Peter Daszak, until he was kicked out due to his being debarred by the US from getting funds, was their top guy.
The newly released memo coauthored by the former head of MI6 is focused on how the Nature “Proximal Origin” paper was used to promote China’s natural spillover narrative.
We reported in 2023 on hundreds of previously unreleased email and Slack direct messages which cover the…
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 16, 2025
The newly released memo coauthored by the former head of MI6 is focused on how the Nature “Proximal Origin” paper was used to promote China’s natural spillover narrative.
We reported in 2023 on hundreds of previously unreleased email and Slack direct messages which cover the period when Kristian Andersen and his colleagues collaborated to write “Proximal Origin.”
They show that Andersen and his colleagues clearly thought it was indeed possible not only that the virus that causes Covid-19 had leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but specifically that it had been cultured in the laboratory.
The documents make clear that pressure from “higher ups” — not “additional data, analyses, learning more about coronaviruses, and discussions with colleagues and collaborators” — led Andersen, Garry, and two of their coauthors to abandon the lab leak theory as implausible.
What’s more, the messages reveal that Andersen still suspected that a lab leak was possible in mid-April, a month after Nature Medicine officially published “Proximal Origin,” and two months after the authors published a preprint.
If the paper’s authors weren’t fully convinced that no culturing was possible, why did they rule out “any type of laboratory-based scenario” in their paper?
If the consensus opinion of the scientists across dozens of their initial emails and messages had to be summarized in a single phrase, it would be the name of the Slack channel: “project-wuhan_engineering.”
The name showed just how probable they felt it was that the virus came from a lab.
Then, on February 6, something strange happened. Andersen changed the name of the Slack channel from “project-wuhan_engineering” to “project-wuhan_pangolin.”
The key to the coverup was the Fauci-commissioned “Proximal Origins” paper that was pure propaganda, and was secretly edited by Fauci himself. It’s authors were bribed and likely threatened to come up with the stinking pile of excrement, and anybody with a lick of sense knew it was propaganda. In fact, it was quickly debunked, but nobody cared because the full might of the federal government and the Pravda Media were engaged to force that Narrative down our throats.
A well-known vaccine researcher debunked “Proximal Origin” within days of its publication in Nature, and none of the major journals including Nature or Science would publish it, giving obviously dishonest reasons for their rejection.
“Originally, the authors were engaged in…
— Michael Shellenberger (@shellenberger) March 16, 2025
A well-known vaccine researcher debunked “Proximal Origin” within days of its publication in Nature, and none of the major journals including Nature or Science would publish it, giving obviously dishonest reasons for their rejection.
“Originally, the authors were engaged in analysis of the virus with the aim to create a vaccine. The discoveries that the authors claim to be relevant for determining the origin of the virus came as a by-product of this research.”
Countless people, including some of the best epidemiologists in the world, were censored, censured, and even fired for stating the obvious truth. Every social media outlet cracked down hard on anybody even suggesting thatt the truth was in fact the truth, and the slanders aimed at us were in many cases crippling.
— John Hasson (@SonofHas) March 16, 2025
Countless “fact checks” were aimed at debunking the obvious truth, and almost every media outlet used maximum effort to aid in the coverup.
Read this important NYT op-ed by @zeynep (freely accessed) on how the Fauci-led “scientific community” actively, purposefully and corruptly concealed the truth about COVID, all in order to demonize and ultimately suppress any dissent to their decrees.
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 16, 2025
Pravda Media no doubt will scurry into the walls as The New York Times has already, but the fact is that any large media outlet like the Times and all the networks simply HAD to know that they were spreading lies. They have far too many resources, connections, sources, and a wealth of research potential to have discovered this.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you NYT’s COVID-19 reporter
— Matt Orfalea (@0rf) March 16, 2025
Hell, I knew. I just found ways to get around the censors and read papers that were being suppressed, and it wasn’t that hard. Preprint servers were a good source.
But major journals like Nature–the most prestigious journal in the world–promoted the coverup and suppressed any dissent.
Professor Richard Ebright tells me: “The March 2020 paper ‘The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2’ is a product of scientific misconduct, up to and including fraud. Preparation of the paper was commissioned by the heads of US and UK biomedical science funding agencies—Anthony Fauci,…
— Jerry Dunleavy IV 🇺🇸 (@JerryDunleavy) March 17, 2025
But why?
Isn’t it obvious? The Western governments were tied to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, either directly or in conjunction with the United States, so the bureaucrats certainly wanted clean hands. The governments had similar reasons, with the additional incentive of the political benefit of making Trump look like a conspiracy theorist.
Leana Wen wanted unvaccinated people locked in their homes, demanded mask mandates and criticized governors like Greg Abbott in Texas for lifting mask mandates
Now she’s admitting that those who criticized The Science™️ were often right
Whoops!— Ian Miller (@ianmSC) March 16, 2025
Add in the fact that public health officials are the cause, not the cure, for the pandemic, which makes them look awful and would undermine their authority–and they were desperate to expand that authority to totalitarian proportions.
And maybe they were worried about ramping up tensions with China at a sensitive time. At least some will invoke that excuse for choosing to lie. Kristian Andersen, one of the lying authors of the “Proximal Origins” paper, expressed concerns about that issue when discussing the issue in leaked Slack messages that also showed that he knew COVID almost certainly came from a lab.
Today’s New York times is quoting “experts” who did things like this. I don’t think we will learn from our mistakes by listening to the same mistaken people.
— Vinay Prasad MD MPH (@VPrasadMDMPH) March 15, 2025
Whatever the reasons, the fact is that all the Western governments and the highest levels of our health bureaucracy engaged in a systematic coverup, including going to extraordinary lengths to censor, defund, deplatform, and slander anybody who was willing to speak the truth.
And they say Russia is a threat to our freedom. Perhaps it is, but hardly as bad a one as our own establishment. Don’t give me any crap about how they were doing this for our own good. Even if you think the other COVID lies were well-intentioned (newsflash: that is BS too), the only excuse to cover up the origin of COVID was to protect the people who created and funded its creation.
To hell with them all.
Read the full article here