Disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner is back at it, desperately clawing his way back into politics with a run for New York City Council.
But his ex-wife, Huma Abedin, isn’t exactly rolling out the red carpet—or the cash. Instead of giving the maximum $1,050 allowed, she handed over a measly $175 to her former husband’s campaign, barely enough to cover a cheap dinner in Manhattan, as reported by The New York Post.
Abedin, a longtime Hillary Clinton aide and now engaged to leftist billionaire Alexander Soros, shares a son with Weiner. Despite their history, her financial support for his latest attempt at political relevance is about as lukewarm as it gets.
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To add to the family’s barely-there backing, Huma’s sister, Heba, chipped in an even stingier $150, according to campaign finance records.
Weiner himself also scraped together $175 of his own money, listing his occupation as “Red Apple Media host,” referencing his stint on 770 WABC radio. Not exactly a power move.
The ex-congressman, infamous for his repeated sexting scandals—including one involving a 15-year-old girl that landed him behind bars—has a long history of self-destruction.

Now, much like another scandal-ridden Democrat, former Governor Andrew Cuomo, Weiner is hoping for a political resurrection.
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Political consultant George Arzt wasn’t exactly surprised by Abedin’s tightfisted donation, chalking it up to parental obligation rather than genuine support.
“Huma gave a minimal investment to Anthony. She did what she had to do,” he remarked.
Another strategist speculated that Weiner himself may have gone for a “soft sell” when asking for money, not wanting to push his luck.
Weiner, of course, had an explanation. He claimed the $175 was strategic, as it qualifies for the city’s public matching funds.
“She gave the maximum matchable amount. The same amount I gave,” Weiner told The Post.
Sounds like damage control.
While his ex-wife kept her checkbook mostly closed, others weren’t quite as stingy. Business tycoon Alexander Rovt and his wife, Olga, each donated $1,000—probably out of sheer amusement at watching the political train wreck unfold.

Weiner once represented Brooklyn in the City Council before climbing to Congress, only to be taken down by his own inability to control himself.
Former Brooklyn Councilman Sal Albanese didn’t mince words, calling Weiner “an attention addict” who is running for office purely to feed his ego.
“Running for office again is another way for him to get attention and eventually self-destruct. I always thought he was a little unstable.”
Weiner is vying for a seat in Lower Manhattan’s District 2, covering areas like Greenwich Village, the Lower East Side, Gramercy Park, and Murray Hill.
His opponents in the Democratic primary include state Assemblyman Harvey Epstein (who was the butt of a Saturday Night Live skit last year), Community Board 3 chairwoman Andrea Gordillo, former de Blasio aide Sarah Batchu, and Allison Ryan.
As for Abedin, she declined to comment. Probably for the best.
Read the full article here