Elon Musk tweeted out a video this morning that has captured the attention of millions.
It’s a simple video. A mom challenged the Fairfax County School Board to reconsider its unanimous decision to formally introduce alphabet ideology and gender studies into the K-6 curriculum.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 25, 2025
BOOM! This mom, in less than two minutes, laid bare the problem with injecting alphabet ideology into schools. And by holding her toddler son, she put an exclamation mark on why this practice is so evil: it is aimed at confusing and brainwashing kids at their most vulnerable age.
One obviously normal mom does in 1:39 what one aging columnist can’t do in 20 posts: get through to people the concrete horrors of ideological zealots being put in charge of the education of young children, or any children.
When I write about it, decent, trusting centrists look at me like I am General Jack D. Ripper ranting about communists being riddled throughout our government. The mere fact that this is a fact, not a wild conspiracy theory, is irrelevant. When you grow up trusting people in power, it takes an inordinate amount of evidence to put a dent into the habits of a lifetime.
But pathos works where reason often fails. That is not a knock on centrists, however much it seems so. Confirmation bias is a real phenomenon, and expecting people to drop their trust in sources they have relied on and adopt your own chosen trusted sources is itself unreasonable. I wish it weren’t so, but none of us can “research it” ourselves on every topic.
Fairfax County Public Schools was once the #1 public school system in the country. It has become a complete joke. This concerned parent does not seem like an extremist in any way. The unfortunate part is a good private school in this part of the country is easily six figures.…
— Robert (@JusBob703) March 24, 2025
This is why the self-correction mechanism in society is a pendulum swing, not a fine-tuned system that keeps things on the straight and narrow. Center-left people have been convinced that gender ideology is all about compassion and being kind to confused kids, while the reality is something much, much darker. But before you get too self-satisfied, remember how many conservatives were taken in by the Iraq war and the encroaching police state under George Bush. It can happen to all of us to some extent.
This 👇is how Fairfax County Public Schools grooms and radicalizes kids & teachers. Nobody overseas them. Many of those clubs are funded by dark $. Home school until this is audited and/or shut down.https://t.co/DO0BnWFze7 pic.twitter.com/1IHQe2G0HK
— Fairfax Warrior Mom (@ShellyArnoldi) March 20, 2025
What makes modern leftism so dangerous is that it is aimed at “decolonizing” America, which is another way of saying it is cultural Marxism aimed at destroying the foundations of the modern West. It aims to undermine everything we value, whether it is liberty, free speech, private property, family relations, or our deeply held religious beliefs. They tell everybody this, but liberals dismiss it all as hyperbole.
Pointing it out makes you sound like Jack D. Ripper.
Remember how we screamed from the rooftops that Joe Biden was senile? “Cheap fakes.” That pandemic policy would warp our society, harm children, and transfer wealth from the bottom up? We were grandma killers. That COVID was engineered in a lab using US government funding? “Racist conspiracy theories.”
I could go on and on.
🚨 Woke ABCs: Fairfax County Public Schools Push Leftist Indoctrination
“A is for abortion… Q is for queer… T is for trans woman.”
“This isn’t education—it’s indoctrination.”
“It was so ideologically one-sided… probably coming from the teacher.” pic.twitter.com/j4rK8bt58B
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) March 18, 2025
It’s not pointless for conservatives like me and you to scream from the rooftops about the corruption and damage being done. We help speed up the swing of the pendulum, saving lives and crippling damage to people. Not fast enough, but faster than it would otherwise happen. And, perhaps, without our passion and warnings, the public might react so late that the damage becomes irreparable.
Look at what we have done to trust in the Pravda Media. We chipped away at their credibility over decades.
🚨WATCH: More Fairfax County elected officials fled today when I asked them about their policy that allowed a male sex offender to use multiple female locker rooms where he allegedly exposed himself to women and girls.
Story: https://t.co/M126yo76V0 pic.twitter.com/KrGyW14qLV
— Nick Minock (@NickMinock) March 4, 2025
But it shouldn’t take decades. It would take months, not a decade or more, if people listened. I can’t tell you how many people I know who have great passion for these issues, knowing nothing but what the leftist extremists have told them. You and I rightly wonder how so many parents allowed their children to be propagandized like this, but there it is. It happened, and mostly because so many wrongly trusted their cultural leaders.
That’s why we need those moms out there who are willing to stand up for their children. Her care for her child and her plea for him can slow down the intellectual inertia of those who want to believe that no School Board member would allow sexual predators into their child’s locker room or shove a gender ideology curriculum at 5-year-olds.
She can do what others, like me and you, cannot do without her help.
Editor’s Note: Every single day, here at HotAir, we will stand up and FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT against the radical left and deliver the conservative reporting our readers deserve.
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Read the full article here