According to several German newspapers, the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (damn those Germans for making things unpronounceable and unreadable!), the foreign intelligence service, has known for five years that the COVID-19 virus was whipped up in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
They assess that it is 80%-95% probable that the virus came from the lab. They are still hiding the documents because it contradicts the preferred Narrative™ that this was all natural and came from eating bats.
For five years, the Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has assumed that the coronavirus originated in a Chinese laboratory. The BND classifies the laboratory theory as “probable” and is “80 to 95 percent” certain. Since then, the German government has kept secret the BND’s findings that the virus originated in the biolab in Wuhan . This is reported by NZZ, Zeit, and Süddeutsche Zeitung.
To date, it remains officially unclear whether the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is of natural origin or originated in a laboratory. Despite intensive research, no intermediate host has been identified that naturally transmitted the pathogen from animals to humans. At the same time, controversial experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that supported the laboratory theory came into focus.
Virologists meeting at the foreign intelligence service?
According to reports, several scientists at the German foreign intelligence service, the Federal Intelligence Service, have been meeting in recent weeks, initiated by the Federal Chancellery. The first meeting took place last year, with the participation of renowned virologists. A central topic of these discussions was the possible origin of the virus. According to Zeit, the Federal Chancellery has been keeping relevant information under wraps for five years.
What do you want to bet that the CIA knew this too, and that the Germans, the CIA, MI6, and all the big intelligence agencies assessed this to be the likeliest explanation around the same time but decided to hide the fact for…reasons?
Hmm. I wonder what those reasons could be…
In the United States, a Republican-led congressional investigative committee has been investigating the origins of the pandemic and policy measures such as lockdowns in recent years. Immunologist and longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Anthony Fauci , has testified several times. Thousands of pages of documents have been released during the investigation, providing a new perspective on the events.
Particularly explosive are the findings from so-called gain-of-function (GoF) experiments conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. These experiments involve deliberately modifying viruses to increase their transmissibility or virulence. Official data from the US government platform show that the EcoHealth Alliance received approximately $94.3 million in taxpayer funds from NIAID—the agency Fauci headed for 38 years—between 2008 and 2024. It is striking that, starting in 2014, increased funding was provided for research into bat viruses.
Surely it had nothing to do with the fact that the United States FUNDED THE RESEARCH THAT CREATED THE VIRUS and that all these governments have deep ties to the US intelligence “community,” which was busily covering up the true origins of the pandemic.
Not to mention that all these governments were using the crisis to implement sweeping changes to their societies, impose draconian restrictions on citizens, and bully any dissenters who just happened to be less inclined to submit to government fiat.
Trump admin given bombshell intelligence from ally that Covid was lab-made… and proof of new China program
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) March 12, 2025
The Daily Mail’s reporting gives some details on how the Germans came to the conclusion. Not that common sense wasn’t enough to make it more likely than not that it came from the lab, but the evidence piled up to increase the probabilities.
In Wuhan, the BND agents ‘struck gold,’ coming ‘as close to the origins of the pandemic… as possible in China,’ German media Die Zeit reported.
They found unpublished dissertations from 2019 and 2020 that allegedly discussed the effects of coronaviruses on the human body.
Additionally, uncovered materials revealed Chinese scientists had ‘an unusually large amount of knowledge about the supposedly novel virus available at an unusually early stage.’
Based on the materials BND agents found and analyzed, they used a ‘Probability Index’ to measure the reliability of information, which determined the lab-leak theory was ‘probable’ with an ’80 to 95 percent’ certainty.
Further, the agents also accused Chinese scientists of actively carrying out dangerous experiments with the deadly coronavirus MERS.
Dr. Richard Enbright, long accused of being a COVID “conspiracy theorist” said the obvious: everybody knew that it came from the lab, but covered it up.
People involved in Saaremaa told the German media outlets they took their findings to German officials in 2020, including the Federal Chancellery and the state secretary responsible for intelligence services.
A federal chancellery secretary was also briefed, the agents claimed, and then Chancellor Angela Merkel was also reportedly made aware, according to Die Zeit.
When asked to confirm if she was informed, Merkel declined to answer, Die Zeit reported.
People involved in Project Saaremaa told the media outlets the German government took no action and the World Health Organization was never informed: ‘The BND was sworn to secrecy.’
Dr Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, told ‘The main points are clear: All informed persons – without exception – knew by early 2020 that SARS-CoV-2 likely entered humans through a research-related incident in Wuhan.
‘But most chose to lie or to stay silent.
Convenient that. Revealing that the virus was concocted through the collaboration of Western governments–the UK was implicated as well through the EcoHealth Alliance–might inspire a bit less trust in the good faith and competence of government authorities. So they lied.
Best hide the facts lest you and I think less of governments. The conspiracy was not a “theory,” but a fact.
There is lots of evidence that Anthony Fauci was deeply involved in changing the CIA analysis of the virus’ origins, and allegations (which I believe to be true, but cannot prove) that the CIA altered its analysis at his behest. Far be it from me to allege that the CIA or other intelligence agencies might be anything but 100% transparent and truthful, but it appears that in this specific case at least they might have, gasp!, lied to all of us.
Shocking, I know. Truly unprecedented.
What is so personally frustrating to me and surely is for others, including many of you, is that we all pretty much knew this and were slandered, censored, and banished from polite society for stating a pretty obvious truth. It was forbidden to say, and so many of our fellow citizens not only went along with the lie, but cheered on the authorities for punishing us for speaking up.
They used the might of government to censor us, encouraged others to shun us, and did it all with our own tax dollars. The Pravda Media went all-in on pushing the lie–and surely they suspected it was a lie–and called us racist and conspiracy theorists.
Most of those same people will now shrug and move on, never acknowledging or paying a price for gaslighting us all and furthering the divide in society.
The original files behind all these assessments and the notes of the discussions should be released. Lay out all the facts. Expose all the lies. Hide nothing.
None of this should be swept under the rug. Not this time.
Read the full article here