Talk about ‘read a room.’
Okay – maybe that’s a bridge too far, as most of them probably can’t read, judging by what they vote for.
Or DON’T vote for, as it were.
I’m all for the Democrats quadrupling down on the promotion of men competing against women and invading their safe spaces. This is the hill that they are dying on…let them stay there and fade into irrelevancy.
— LGB no T (@deamadvegas) March 4, 2025
The bill that would have codified Trump’s executive order banning men from women’s sports into law? That hill they’re choosing to die on?
Democrats just told every woman and girl in America to sit down and let the men win. Absolute disgrace.
— Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) March 4, 2025
Just gets steeper and steeper.
And holy crap – could these functional illiterates look any more stupid?
Okay, okay – I take that back. I realize the year is young yet, but…
Are they kidding? One day after voting to kill the bill that would protect women from men in their sports and in their showers, they are going to protest in defense of women?
And these mental midgets still don’t know why they lost.
— Strictly Speaking with Bob Frantz (@StrictSpeaking) March 4, 2025
The Democratic party is going to be wandering in the wilderness long enough to bump into Jesus during the Second Coming at this rate.
Eight years ago, when President Donald Trump gave his first address to a joint session of Congress, Democratic women in the chamber wore white in a concerted effort to call attention to women’s rights. This year they have expanded the dress code, adding pink.
Some women will continue to wear white at Tuesday night’s address by Trump. But New Mexico Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández, who chairs the Democratic Women’s Caucus, told Time magazine that wearing pink is meant to call attention to Trump’s administration “negatively impacting women and families.”
“Women are claiming pink as a color of protest, as a color of power, and we are protesting what is happening right now,” Leger Fernández said during a news conference Tuesday.
Who did what again?
Did I hear this correctly? Democrat women will wear PINK to the Trump speech tonight?? The same democrats who voted AGAINST protecting girls and women in sports?
You can’t make it up.
— Michele Tafoya (@Michele_Tafoya) March 4, 2025
Women haters wearing pink! I guess for the men in womanface they support! #zelena #shailenzo #tommavi #helevier #sstvidf
— Donna Davis (@DonnaDavisHNL) March 4, 2025
America is shocked and stunned…
So the Democrat women are wearing pink to show the power of women and yet each one of the Democrat women voted to allow men in their sports in their bathrooms and their locker rooms while men wipe away the achievements of all real women
— Kiss My Grits ✌️✌️ (@Reversequestion) March 4, 2025
…and laughing their asses off at these oblivious poltroons.
This is the rocket scientist who organized the pink truth-to-Orange-power movement. She has all the catchphrases down pat and looks simply stunning in her cult ensemble. It’ such a refreshing change from the tired Handmaiden schtick.
Trump is coming to the people’s House today and we’re going to speak truth to power.
We’re going to make sure everyone knows he’s betraying the American people to give tax cuts to billionaires.
Follow along!
— Rep. Teresa Leger Fernández (@RepTeresaLF) March 4, 2025
Leger Fernandez is SUCH a fierce defender of #wymmins that in January, she voted AGAINST the bill that would have deported criminal aliens convicted of sex offenses.
With what is going on in the UK with human trafficking, voters need to wake up here before we become them.
Why did NM Reps Teresa Leger Fernandez & Melanie Stansbury vote against deporting illegals who are CONVICTED sex offenders?!
— Krysty O’Q Ronchetti (@krystyronchetti) January 5, 2025
And now all their Democratic senators have abandoned women to men in their locker rooms and on their sports teams?
Such ardent defenders.
No one will be any the wiser if the Democratc #wymmins wear pink, pretending to be someone they’re not – just like the trans they support do.
Seriously. Between Trump’s juggernaut and these mahroons?
As Bingley says, it’s like waking up to Christmas every.
Crockett: We had an opportunity to have a woman lead this country and I promise you, she would have led us to the promised land. But instead we got somebody that seems like he wants to take to us to hell
— Acyn (@Acyn) March 4, 2025
Hang on a second.
What’s that noise?
Why, I believe I hear the wilderness calling…
Read the full article here