It seems clear that leftists really are afraid of children, while at the same time acting like kids who got plonked into grown-up bodies. The histrionic wailing of leftist women nationwide about the alleged danger of Donald Trump to women’s “reproductive rights” has carried through post-election. Of course, “reproductive rights” anymore simply means “I want an abortion any time, any place, and I take zero responsibility for my sexual choices that might get me pregnant in the first place.”
Prominent screecher Mike Brezinski, co-host along with her husband Joe Scarborough of the MSNBC show “Morning Joe,” has gone farther than most. She straight up said that Donald Trump is “killing us,” and “killing women.” How these murders are taking place is not specified. And why the two of them then met with Trump after those comments remains a mystery – it’s almost as if they don’t believe their own hysterical rhetoric.
The Democrats blanketed the airwaves (OK, it’s 2024: “the internet”) with ham-handed political ads depicting a real-life Handmaid’s Tale if Trump were to be elected. One of the funniest was this ad showing two young women trying to “make it to the state line” to get out of their oppressive state for an abortion. A cop with an accent straight out of the 1970s movie Deliverance ends up cuffing the female driver and bending her over the hood of the car (yes, that implication seems to have been deliberate). Movie-psychopath look-alike Gavin Newsom, governor of California, still features the ad on his TikTok feed.
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Well, Trump has been elected, and the fever has not broken. According to CBS, the company that makes the “Plan B” abortion pill said sales went up 1,000 percent right after Trump’s election. Abortion and trans-hormones-to-harm-your-kids dealer Planned Parenthood is saying their requests for the implantation of intra-uterine devices (IUD), a form of contraception, are up almost 800 percent since November 5.
It’s not just women. According to PP, men are asking for vasectomies in droves, with requests up 1,200 percent.
It really does appear that, to young liberals, the prospect of having children frightens them even more than “climate change,” or whatever “genocide” they fantasize is going on in Gaza. When and how did we become a society for whom the prospect of having kids is seen as a punishment and an infringement on a happy life?
Let’s see what X/Twitter has to say about it.
After Election Day, Planned Parenthood is reporting:
760% increase in IUD appointments
1200% increase in vasectomiesToday’s Leftist ideology is built on fear of children, the future, and life itself. Truly sad.
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) November 18, 2024
The reaction has not been kind.
Omg, they finally found out that birth control does exist, other than just getting an abortion.
— Lee Hinton (@lee_littlebugs1) November 18, 2024
More than clear they use abortion as birth control
— Oremus (@Oremus01) November 18, 2024
I will never understand why they didn’t do that to begin with. It only proves that many women were using abortions as birth control. Shameful.
— We are all Trolling (@WeR_allTrolling) November 18, 2024
Is it sad that retards are sterilizing themselves?
— Dan Hollaway (@DanHollaway) November 18, 2024
Leftist sterilizing themselves out of existence.
More proof it’s a brain disorder.
— Cafe76 (@Cafe76blog) November 18, 2024
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