Well, at the very least, it was a hoot watching Donald Trump Jr. make this MSDNC hack look ridiculous. I’m not sure I could stand watching MSDNC nonstop for any length of time, but the clips that surface on Twitter are unintentionally funny.
I was just telling @mzhemingway that more people need to walk out of media interviews when they are this dishonest and hostile. Good for @DonaldJTrumpJr. He was right, and MSNBC deserved this. https://t.co/KMNpb0ej2c
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) July 15, 2024
One of the many great things about trolling through Twitter–I will stipulate that trolling Twitter is horrible for your mental health if you are inclined to get angry at stupidity–is that you get to see the clips of shows rather than having to wade through the whole thing to see what the talking heads are saying.
I can therefore see what Joe and Mika are saying without having to tear my (diminishing store of) hair out in frustration.
Morning Joe hosts are fuming at MSNBC for pulling them off the air over July 13th:
“We were very surprised & disappointed”
They say they’ll quit if it happens again pic.twitter.com/1he5FeNuHY
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 16, 2024
Speaking of frustration, Joe and Mika displayed quite a bit of it this morning. They are SUPER angry that they were pulled off the air yesterday and basically threatened to quit if it ever happens again.
You can see their point–MSNBC was basically admitting that the show is propagandistic trash filled with nutters who might say any crazy thing–but you can also see MSNBC’s point. The show really is propagandistic trash filled with nutters who spout all sorts of crazy things, conspiracy theories, vile bile aimed at Republicans, and is a key part of the incitement-industrial complex.
Joy Reid basically suggests that the attempt on Trump was a what-goes-around-comes-around situation:
“So the idea of political violence that we have been nursing…It’s so dangerous that you cannot avoid the consequences of it even if you’re one of the people promoting it.” pic.twitter.com/kf2soTy6aF— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) July 15, 2024
That Joy Reid was allowed on the air after this weekend’s events is a tribute to the power of DEI. She has been having a public mental breakdown for the past few weeks, and it keeps getting worse. But unlike Mika and Joe, who are as white as copy paper, Joy is “diverse.” Pulling her off the air would have much larger political consequences than Mika and Joe, so they put her on the air and crossed their fingers.
Joy Reid recently compared Trump to Hitler, as she normally does, in an unhinged rant posted to social media.
The comparisons to Hitler play a role in radicalizing people to the point of wanting to assassinate Trump.
Joy Reid should be FIRED by MSNBC.
pic.twitter.com/TfIKfbKBFw— Shawn Farash (@Shawn_Farash) July 15, 2024
I saw bits and pieces of the MSDNC coverage of the convention and it was, as they say, “lit.” These folks are so ungrounded that they are now floating in the stratosphere.
How ungrounded? How about thinking that Kamala Harris will outshine J.D. Vance on the debate stage? Kamala, you may recall, got wiped off the floor by Tulsi Gabbard, going from a frontrunner in the presidential primary race to dropping out before the first votes.
Kamala, in other words, may put out word salads, and even those are wilted and browning.
MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace says she hopes JD Vance challenges Kamala Harris to “six debates” because she “would wipe the floor with him” pic.twitter.com/xoIBle9NFC
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) July 15, 2024
Watching MSNBC doesn’t give you a sense of what Democrats think because most Democrats are not hyper-tuned-in politicos or obsessive politics watchers. It’s not like half the country is this insane.
But it does give you an accurate read of what the elite in the party either think or want their supporters to think. President Biden’s favorite show is Morning Joe, which may perhaps give you a sense of why he is so out of touch with the rest of the country.
Read the full article here