For all the talk of ‘panic’ at the network and their one-day-a-week supah-stah having her yearly allowance slashed by $5M…
MSNBC slashed star anchor Rachel Maddow’s annual salary by $5 million as the left-leaning network continues to reel from parent company Comcast’s decision to spin off its struggling cable properties, according to a report.
Maddow — who rakes in $30 million a year for hosting “The Rachel Maddow Show” just one day a week on Mondays — renegotiated for a $25 million salary for the next five years, The Ankler reported on Thursday.
“This is a difficult time and they needed to keep her,” one executive told the news site. “No one else can do what she does. You can’t build a brand like it overnight.”
…common sense would tell you that those survivors clinging to the edge of the raft would, I dunno, maybe temper the constant white-hot cray-cray pouring forth from network lips? Perhaps step a little outside their foaming-at-the-mouth mad dog inner circle to buff and burnish the ugly exterior of the product? Make it more palatable to a potential buyer or – here’s a concept – prove it’s capable of attracting new viewers?
The bossman had a story earlier today about the NBC-MSNBC duo being joined at the hip in the public’s mind and how it has helped lead to a ratings ‘catastrophe’ for the parent company’s news division. TV viewers equate the two as parts of a whole, and ‘no one wants to watch.’
…Assuming this report is accurate, one has to wonder whether NBC News sees MSNBC and its hysterical, shrieking tone as a liability rather than an asset. The pursuit of the progressive bubble led MSNBC to sacrifice integrity and even coherent thought, particularly in this election cycle. Servicing that bubble has created an audience capture from which NBC News’ own integrity can’t easily escape…
In a situation so dire, you would think that while they cast about for suitors to offload the burden, network honchos would tell the folks at MSNBC still on their payroll to cool their frickin’ hysteria jets.
You’d think.
But there’s an absolutely sickening and egregious illustrative point this morning that is so outside the pale, so blatantly offensive in tone, even for MSNBC – you really have to wonder if the same people controlling POTATUS run that network as a hobby.
What story has the country been horrified and heartbroken by these past few days?
The trial of the illegal immigrant accused of murdering precious Georgia college student Laken Riley.
It’s been heartrending – her texts to her mom as she set out for a run, her mother’s frantic efforts to get ahold of her daughter, the gruesome and unfathomably brutal description of the murder itself, the haunting 911 call, the video of her distraught mother collapsing when police have to tell her they found her sweet daughters body…and that last glimpse of Laken heading down the trail.
The court watched the camera footage of #LakenRiley on her run toward the trails.
Laken Riley’s body was then found in Oconee Forest Park near Lake Herrick. #JoseAntonioIbarra, accused of killing Riley by blunt force trauma and asphyxiation is currently on trial for her…
Laken fought heroically for her life for 18 minutes against an animal who never should have been in the United States. A depraved savage whom the government had multiple chances to keep out and then remove permanently…and yet never did.
The illegal immigrant on trial for allegedly murdering Georgia nursing student Laken Riley earlier this year received a taxpayer-funded stay at a fancy hotel in New York City and a subsequent flight to Atlanta, Georgia.
The roommate of suspected murderer Jose Antonio Ibarra testified at his criminal trial Monday and revealed that Ibarra stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan before taking a “humanitarian flight” to Atlanta last fall with her.
…Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed in February that Ibarra crossed into the U.S. illegally near El Paso, Texas, and was paroled shortly thereafter. About a year later, he was arrested by the New York City police department for acting in a manner to injure a child and released before ICE could issue a detainer.
Ibarra managed another escape when the progressive Athens-Clarke District Attorney took the death penalty off the table when charging him for his heinous slaughter.
The progressive Georgia district attorney who was prosecuting Jose Antonio Ibarra, Georgia nursing student Laken Riley’s killer, has triggered outrage after the suspect dodged the death penalty and was instead sentenced to life without parole. Athens-Clarke District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez refused to seek the death penalty for the defendant even after she removed herself from the case.
Gonzalez appointed a special prosecutor to take over Ibarra’s prosecution at the end of February as she faced massive criticism over her own prosecutorial record and soft-on-crime reforms. Gonzalez stated that her office would “no longer seek the death penalty,” and that while considering charging suspects, she would “take into account collateral consequences to undocumented defendants,” according to a copy of the district attorney’s policies shared by Georgia State Rep. Houston Gaines, New York Post reported. Gonzalez refused to seek the death penalty against Ibarra, saying, “Our utmost duty is to ensure that justice is served and that the victim’s family is an integral part of the deliberation process.” She went on to acknowledge that critics will seek to “exploit this case for political gain,” but legal decisions must “always transcend political considerations,” WRDW reported.
Almost the entire country is sick at heart and apoplectic with outrage at the horror this young woman experienced before her brutal murder – every last terrifying second something that never should have happened to begin with.
I say ‘almost’ because, well…then there’s MSNBC this morning.
Their sympathies would, at first glance, seem to lie elsewhere.
What a ghastly thing to publish.
What completely unnecessary and callous words to scribble.
With what feels like a cavalier bone thrown to Laken’s devasted family only in the very last paragraph. Such soulless good sports they are.
…The judge also hit Ibarra with consecutive sentences instead of concurrent sentences. A concurrent sentence is much better for a defendant. It means he serves all his sentences at the same time. Three concurrent 20-year sentences mean a defendant serves 20 years. Three consecutive 20-year sentences equals 60 years behind bars. Under Georgia law, concurrent sentences are the default, but the judge here felt concurrent sentences — for life sentences, no less — weren’t sufficient punishment. This provides the best glimpse into the judge’s opinion of this defendant.
Sometimes defense counsel just gets handed a truly awful, unwinnable case. The defense’s choice of a bench trial not only saved the state the resources of a wasted jury trial; it also likely avoided unnecessarily prolonging this traumatic experience for the victim’s family.
The aberrant freaks who inhabit the netherworld that is MSNBC’s fetid orc pit need to just go away.
Thankfully, they seem intent on a course of self-annihilation that will have everyone applauding when the flames go out.