I’m going there.
The 81Mlol vegetable-brained pretender occupying the White House maybe three days a week – physically but not mentally – has never been a ‘nice’ person. Joe Biden has always been a vicious, self-serving, bombastic, mendacious government leech. One who brought his extended family of succubi with him every step of the way to ensure that the power inherent in each position voters were foolish enough to entrust to the ‘Middle-Class Joe’ was amplified and exploited in the circles he traveled and used for maximum family financial gain.
His progeny, with the exception of the one-year-old daughter tragically lost in the wreck that also killed his first wife, have hewed close to the withered potato vine they sprouted from and, in at least two cases, emerged with fragile mental psyches that seem barely to have survived as civilized humans.
The third, oldest son and brain cancer victim, Beau Biden, while brushed with a veneer of respectability thanks to being an elected official as well as an aura of sainthood due to his heartbroken father’s constant invocations, was reportedly a willing but stealth member of the family business. Aware, but not directly involved.
The day the Bidens took over Paradigm Global Advisors was a memorable one.
In the late summer of 2006 Joe Biden’s son Hunter and Joe’s younger brother, James, purchased the firm. On their first day on the job, they showed up with Joe’s other son, Beau, and two large men and ordered the hedge fund’s chief of compliance to fire its president, according to a Paradigm executive who was present.
After the firing, the two large men escorted the fund’s president out of the firm’s midtown Manhattan office, and James Biden laid out his vision for the fund’s future. “Don’t worry about investors,” he said, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing fear of retaliation. “We’ve got people all around the world who want to invest in Joe Biden.”
At the time, the senator was just months away from both assuming the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and launching his second presidential bid. According to the executive, James Biden made it clear he viewed the fund as a way to take money from rich foreigners who could not legally give money to his older brother or his campaign account. “We’ve got investors lined up in a line of 747s filled with cash ready to invest in this company,” the executive remembers James Biden saying.
At this, the executive recalled, Beau Biden, who was then running for attorney general of Delaware, turned bright red. He told his uncle, “This can never leave this room, and if you ever say it again, I will have nothing to do with this.”
After all, Beau had his own plans.
…Their ventures, over nearly half a century, have regularly raised conflict-of-interest questions and brought the Biden family into potentially compromising associations. This investigation offers the most comprehensive account to date of the politically tinged business activities of Biden’s brother and son, and is the first time former associates of James and Hunter have alleged that the pair explicitly sought to make money off of Joe’s political connections.
Within weeks of the encounter at Paradigm Global Advisors, Beau Biden won his race for Delaware attorney general, and never established any recorded ties to Paradigm. His political career kept him well clear of his brother and uncle’s business endeavors.
Beau Biden died of a recurrence of brain cancer in May of 2015.
That left his little brother Hunter, who already had been wrapped into ‘ventures’ and schemes of influence peddling for cha-ching by his dad, ‘The Big Guy.’ Hunter was the point man working in concert with his Uncle Jimmy as the face of whatever Biden family enterprises had their greedy fingers into at the moment. Wherever that stand-up Scranton politician pointed them.
Hunter was damaged goods. He didn’t have Beau’s natural intelligence or social graces, and there’s always been a sick little dynamic when you see older videos of POTATUS interacting with the boys. Beau is the Golden One, and Hunter worships him. Follows him around like a puppy dog.
Hunter knows in his heart he will never be as good as Beau in his father’s eyes.
This is Joe Biden being sworn into the Senate.
That little boy is Hunter. He has a fractured skull and brain injuries from the car wreck.
Joe made him get dressed up for a photo op cause he thought it would be good for his career.
Hate Joe. Pity Hunter. Kid never had a chance.
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) December 2, 2024
Joe Biden is effortlessly cruel.
His youngest son is one of those malleable, weak people in the world who are easily manipulated, who only want to please those they idolize, and who absorb those careless little cruelties and targeted abuses silently. They often wind up leaning on other crutches to cope.
Hunter is one disappointment after another to Middle-Class Joe, even as his eldest is declining. Hunter can’t help himself, even when opportunities to shine are handed to him on a platter. Privileges not available to regular Americans.
Hunter is treated as a special flower – a royal scion – over and over again until he proves he’s not. His father makes those openings for him to trip into – they’re not what Hunter wants to do. And then he disappoints ‘The Big Guy’ yet again when he falls out of them, sometimes spectacularly.
They just ‘gave‘ him a Navy rank and billet.
Hunter Biden, the youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been kicked out of the military after testing positive for cocaine, two people familiar with the matter said Thursday.
The Navy said that Biden, a former lobbyist who works at a private equity firm, was discharged in February – barely a year after he was selected for the part-time position as a public affairs officer in the Navy Reserve. Citing privacy laws, the Navy did not give a reason for the discharge, which was not disclosed until it emerged in the media on Thursday.
In a statement released by his attorney, Biden said he respected the Navy’s decision and was moving forward with his family’s love and support. He did not give a reason for his discharge.
“It was the honor of my life to serve in the U.S. Navy,” Biden said. “I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge.”
Donk. Out he fell.
Drugs again. Beau didn’t get kicked out.
Another lie.
Ten years later, after we’ve all seen the flaming Schlitz show that is now the remnants of Hunter. All heard or read the emotionally abusive, Svengali-like emails from his loving father – wheedling, cajoling, doing anything to keep the money source safe, secure, and functioning.
Winced at the madness that engulfed his personal life documented on a laptop that, to this day, I contend Hunter “forgot” at that shop on purpose. He doesn’t have the courage to blow it all up on his own or outright end it all, but he wants it over. I believe that laptop was his grenade. His IED.
But like everything else in his life…pffft. Poor planning and no follow through.
No cajones.
Then, The Big Guy swooped in with his Justice Department peeps already in place – they had never left during the Trump years, right – to cover it up. To lie in the media, to have the media lie.
As they’ve done for the Biden Crime Family so many times. Every last player from Justice through the progressive MSM has been culpable for this and a partner in enabling this disgraceful, continuing performance.
Hunter is still cruelly enabled by his father, who now wanders the White House halls when he isn’t stumbling along a Rehobeth beach. At least a secret service agent can ensure POTATUS finds a way to the next room instead of the basement when he’s in D.C.
The media kept feeding the lie that the vegetative, rotten-to-the-core man in the Oval Office was so sanctimoniously on the straight and narrow that he would not pardon the ne’er do well son who’d only managed to get himself federally convicted because he’d blown up already outrageous plea deals worked out for him by *checks notes* lawyers working in concert with that same dementia-ridden, rotten-to-the-core man’s prosecutors.
“a father’s love” would be pardoning him for the gun charge that Hunter could have avoided if he didn’t over negotiate his fully baked plea deal or write a book implicating himself in the crime.
11 years of a blanket pardon is something else.
— Justin Robert Young (@JustinRYoung) December 2, 2024
Hunter wants out. With every act of self-destructive behavior, they snatch him back from the brink, and all it does is have him out looking for another cliff to dive off of.
Of the four functioning brain cells left in Joe’s head, three still want Hunter in. This is why those cells – or Jill – went back at least a decade to cover whatever nefarious deeds they had their sad little doped-up dupe up to for the family.
Smothered the criminality with a blanket, as it were.
Those brain cells, and Biden family members still not blanketed by the relative safety of executive action, also realize there will have to be some decade-long pardons for the rest of the cabal before the pen on the desk runs dry.
Remember that song all the Democrats love to sing when it comes to Trump?
Feel like we need some clarification from these folks…
— @amuse (@amuse) December 2, 2024
Hunter’s just the most pathetic first phase of the POTATUS Pardon Show, I do believe.
POTATUS will be too feeble and mentally infirm to get what’s coming to him or even realize the utter loathing he’s regarded with.
For someone with a bloated ego and feral intelligence like Biden, that would be the ultimate punishment – not to be The Big Guy. To be shunned…reviled.
God knows he’s earned every last humiliation.
As have those who helped this entire sorry chapter in American history happen.
We know who they are, too.
I hope Hunter survives the coming nightmare spiral and maybe someday finds a life worth living.
Free of his old man’s influence…and the demons.
Gonna be the battle of a lifetime when the core is already so damn rotten.
Read the full article here