The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) quietly revised its crime data for 2022, less than three weeks until the Nov. 5 election and conveniently after presidential and vice presidential debates.
Vice President Kamala Harris must be breathing a sigh of relief knowing that the FBI waited until the last possible moment to correct the nation’s 2023 violent crime data report. It initially reported that the rate fell by 2.1% in 2022 but has since been updated to show it actually increased by 4.5%, proving Republicans’ claims that violent crime is plaguing the nation.
— Kingsley Wilson (@KingsleyCortes) October 16, 2024
The FBI finally admits in the new data that there were thousands more murders, rapes, robberies and aggravated assaults under the Biden-Harris administration — something former President Donald Trump has repeatedly brought up throughout his 2024 campaign. (ROOKE: Harris’ Obsession With Dems’ Strongest Issue Will Cost Her Election)
Trump argued in his September debate against Harris that crime rates were rising, adding that the FBI was using fraudulent data to sell the American people a lie about the growing violence in our cities. “President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country,” ABC News’s David Muir said, “fact-checking” Trump.
Three weeks before an election — and after the debates — FBI revises their crime statistics — showing crime increased by 4.5% in 2022 instead of dropping 2.1%.
Here is ABC’s David Muir “fact checking” Trump in front of millions of viewers with lies that will never be retracted.
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) October 16, 2024
One month later, even the FBI (albeit quietly and without even a smidge of mea culpa) admits that Trump was right. Still, the damage has been done. The election is only 20 days away, and some states have already started early voting and accepting mail-in ballots. If the point was to meddle in the 2024 election to give Harris an easy out on rising crime, the FBI did its job well. (ROOKE: While Hurricane Victims Suffer, Kamala Makes Time For Podcast Famous For Giving Girls Blowjob Advice)
The agency, embroiled in several public biases against conservatives and whistleblowers, tried to make the correction as tactically as possible. At the bottom of the third page of the report, a footnote simply states: “The 2022 violent crime rate has been updated for inclusion in CIUS, 2023.” It appears to have made absolutely no mention of the fact that the “update” showed the rate rising significantly.
Thousands of Americans have already voted, some with the false idea that the violent chaos plaguing major cities is just a manufactured talking point from the Trump campaign. It seems to be yet another example of “Don’t believe your lying eyes” that we’ve become so accustomed to seeing from our government.
In the Presidential debate Trump said crime was up under Harris
The moderator fact checked him claiming the FBI’s data says crime was down
The FBI just quietly updated their 2022 crime stats and it turns out Trump was right
This has happened so many times
— Shaun Maguire (@shaunmmaguire) October 16, 2024
If it’s not lies about crime statistics, it’s job reports, FEMA using funds for illegal immigrants or President Joe Biden definitely not declining cognitively. Luckily for Trump, Americans are less likely to believe the federal government now than they were ten years ago. The reality is that local reports of gangs taking over apartment complexes, elderly adults being assaulted near the train and little girls being sexually assaulted and killed aren’t easily covered up just because the FBI claims they aren’t happening.
Still, any interference in the 2024 election, whether intentional or unintentional, creates confusion and hurts voters’ ability to make informed decisions when they enter the ballot box. The FBI gave Harris breathing room on important issues that she didn’t deserve. The Biden-Harris administration should have to answer to the American people for allowing this chaos to go on for the last four years and lying about it whenever they are confronted.
The reality is that Harris needed a helping hand, and the FBI gave her one.
Read the full article here