You’re probably breaking the law and you don’t even know it. Well, that is, if you’re selling eyeballs in Texas, trying to wrestle a bear in Alabama or fall asleep in a cheese factory in South Dakota.
Alabama: “Bear wrestling matches are prohibited.”
Alaska: “In Juneau, Flamingo owners are prohibited from bringing their pet into a barber shop.”
Akansas: “It’s against the law to honk a car horn at a sandwich shop after 9pm.”
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Arizona: “It’s illegal to refuse a person a glass of water.”
California: “In El Monte, it is illegal to own a pinball machine.”
Colorado: “In Boulder, it’s illegal to taunt or insult a police office until he or she asks you to stop.”
Connecticut: “In Meriden, it’s prohibited to use a bean whistle in public.”
Delaware: “It’s illegal to show an A rated movie at drive-in theatres.”
Florida: “It’s illegal to sell your children.”
Georgia: “It’s illegal for bars to run 2-for-1 deals on alcoholic drinks.”
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