Even without James O’Keefe, Project Veritas keeps chugging along, doing good work.
Their latest sting operation hooked an EPA employee whose main job seems to be wasting money on climate projects, admitting that his whole job of late has been shove as much taxpayer money out the door to nonprofits, state and local governments, and tribes to ensure that Biden’s climate scam policies continues long after he rides into the sunset.
BREAKING: @EPA Advisor Admits ‘Insurance Policy’ Against Trump is Funneling Billions to Climate Organizations, “We’re Throwing Gold Bars off the Titanic”
“It was an insurance policy against Trump winning.”
“Get the money out as fast as possible before they [Trump… pic.twitter.com/eaAihuNvAh
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) December 3, 2024
In Vino Veritas, as they say.
It’s a turbulent time at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), according to a current staffer, with morale at an all-time low. As President-Elect Trump readies to take office, gloomy EPA employees are scrambling to distribute funding for their favored climate change initiatives. Brent Efron, a special advisor implementing Biden’s climate agenda, told Project Veritas the agency is frantically shoveling billions in grants to nonprofits, making sure that the Biden administration’s climate projects stay afloat — no matter who’s in charge.
“Now it’s how to get the money out as fast as possible before they [Trump Administration] come in … it’s like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing gold bars off the edge.” – Brent Efron, EPA Advisor
Efron spoke to a Project Veritas investigative journalist about his role in doling out over $100 billion in grants to nonprofits under Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which he dubs “Biden’s climate law.” The EPA’s website describes these grants as part of their mission to advance “environmental and climate justice.”
Efron even admits that the EPA is scrambling to push money out the door for projects originally designed for a Kamala Harris presidency.
“The thing that we haven’t funded yet are [sic] the local nonprofit program that was going to be an inter-Kamala Harris administration program… so now we’re getting it [funding] out as quick as possible. It’s like two billion at this point, we’ve got most of it out – like 90%.”
So committed are these staffers, Efron confesses, that they plan to work right up until the final moments on inauguration day, rushing to ensure that every possible tax-payer dollar is disbursed before a Republican administration can turn off the spigot.
“It’s until the Trump people come in and tell us we can no longer give out money. That’s at the very earliest the 20th [January 2025]. But it’s probably a little bit after because they have to get in the building and tell people what to do.”
This, my friends, is how government ACTUALLY works much of the time.
Admittedly, there are always a few bureaucrats who genuinely try to do a good job, and many who just plod their way through life doing boring work in only modestly incompetent ways, but if you rise up the ladder it is almost certainly because you are willing to do the political dirty work and conspire against the American people.
The more interesting the job, the worse it is for Americans in all likelihood.
Efron openly admits how the EPA uses nonprofits as a political buffer against Republican administrations—and reveals how he could later reap personal rewards with a cushy job at one of the nonprofits he helped fund during his tenure.
“Over the last year we’ve given out $50 billion dollars for climate things…so to go work for one of these places would be really cool.”
Indeed, the EPA’s website lists several pass-through nonprofits, each awarded between $50 million and $100 million, with the responsibility of distributing subgrants to other nonprofits—ensuring that Biden’s climate agenda keeps rolling, even after his presidency ends.
You also get to see several other aspects of the government scam–bureaucrats using their positions to set up their next cushy gig. Send those gold bars out the door, and flee to the private sector to join in the spending frenzy at a higher salary with even better benefits.
It’s a big con job. Notice how the “Inflation Reduction Act” is, in his mind (and reality) just “Biden’s climate law.” Because the name and the intent were always at odds.
The U.S. government is actively working to undermine the American people
We’ve empowered Washington to the point that it’s become dangerous and destructive
It’s too big, too expensive, and too powerful
We must return to constitutional government https://t.co/JW36FWqPYh
— Mike Lee (@BasedMikeLee) December 3, 2024
The climate change scam is government in action. Everybody pushing the hysteria in Washington is cashing in, in some form or another. Whether they believe that climate change is real or not is irrelevant because there is money to be made.
It’s the same at the Pentagon. No doubt many of the people skimming off the top of the Pentagon budget or pushing wasteful programs that suck huge percentages out of our defense budget actually want a strong military too, but their priority is getting theirs first. They likely see it as doing well while doing good.
But it’s not good. It is sapping the lifeblood out of our country. We have an elite class who have given up on doing the right thing for the right reasons and who now focus solely on getting theirs while the getting is good.
Trump’s inauguration can’t come soon enough.
Read the full article here