In a fiery segment on The Megyn Kelly Show that aired Monday, four retired military leaders delivered a scathing critique of Democrat presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, accusing him of consistently misrepresenting his military service and other aspects of his personal life.
Leading the charge was Minnesota National Guard Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Paul Herr, who did not mince words when discussing Walz’s credibility. “He’s a habitual liar. He lies about everything! He lies about stuff that doesn’t make sense,” Herr declared.
The controversy centers around Walz’s long-standing claim of being a “retired command sergeant major,” a title he purportedly held for nearly two decades. However, Herr and his colleagues pointed out that Walz was, in fact, a “retired master sergeant,” which is a rank lower than what he claimed.
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This misrepresentation was just one of several allegations made against Walz, painting a picture of a pattern of deceit.
The retired leaders didn’t stop at military claims. Herr also accused Walz of lying about his roles outside the military. “He says all these things like, ‘I was a football coach.’ You were an assistant coach, and you were fired because of a DUI that you lied about being deaf to try and get out of whatever you were trying to get out of there,” Herr elaborated, suggesting that Walz’s dishonesty extends into his civilian life and professional career.
“He’s a habitual liar. He lies about everything, he lies about stuff that doesn’t make sense…”
Military veterans on why it matters that Tim Walz called himself a “retired command sergeant major.”
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— The Megyn Kelly Show (@MegynKellyShow) September 2, 2024
Another significant point of contention was Walz’s assertion about carrying weapons “in war.” According to the critics, Walz has never been deployed to a combat zone, contradicting his claims of wartime service.
This particular controversy had been previously addressed by the Harris-Walz campaign, stating that Walz had “misspoke,” a claim that Walz himself later attributed to grammatical errors and speaking passionately in a CNN interview.
Furthermore, Herr took issue with Walz’s statements regarding his family life, specifically his claims about using in vitro fertilization to conceive his children.
Herr corrected that assertion, noting that Walz’s wife actually used intrauterine insemination—a different fertility treatment.
“I mean, it just it’s just one habitual lie after another. They keep piling up, and eventually, you can’t present enough blankets to cover it up,” Herr concluded, indicating a deep-seated frustration with what he views as a continuous stream of falsehoods from the governor.
These allegations by respected former senior leaders of the Minnesota National Guard cast a shadow over Walz’s campaign, raising serious questions about his integrity and truthfulness.
As the presidential race heats up, the impact of these accusations on Walz’s candidacy remains to be seen, but they certainly pose a challenge as he seeks to gain trust among voters on a national stage.
You can watch the entire Megyn Kelly Show episode below:
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