Generally speaking, I don’t approve of taking joy in the pain of others.
But let’s face it, we all enjoy a bit of Schadenfreude now and then, and when your opponents are cruel, self-absorbed, arrogant, and doing damage to innocent people, it’s hard not to laugh when they get a taste of their own medicine.
Over the past decade, the left has run wild, not just by pushing insane policies but by gleefully attacking anybody who stands in their way. We have been demonized, the weight and power of the federal government were weaponized against us, parents and Catholics were labeled terrorists, and the left and the federal bureaucracy have grievously harmed our nation’s children. We have been lied to constantly, and not even a bit of humanity was ascribed to us.
So yes, I get a bit of joy from seeing the tables turned.
The administrative state is in a state of panic, and many of the bureaucrats are in a panic and screaming from the rooftops about how they are in pain.
Reddit is apparently filled with bureaucrats whining and crying about the moves Trump is making to shape up the federal workforce.
“literally all of our programs encompass AND ARE BUILT on DEI policies. It’s even baked into our contracts.”
It’s a giant societywide make-work program embedded into everything that institutional America touches, providing an ever-burgeoning class of rent-seekers sinecures and…
— Wesley Yang (@wesyang) January 29, 2025
“Literally all our programs encompass AND ARE BUILT on DEI policies. It’s even baked into our contracts.” All this whining, by the way, is taking place during working hours, proving Trump’s point.
r/fednews (the largest subreddit for federal workers) seems to be most active during working hours.
Sorry, but I don’t want my tax dollars paying federal employees to post on Reddit.
— Reddit Lies (@reddit_lies) January 28, 2025
It’s like she didn’t realize that we had an election and people voted for Trump because, well, “all our programs” are about DEI. We hate that, and want it gone.
Federal employees like this don’t understand how elections work or what their job is as part of the government. They keep talking about Trump being a dictator, but unlike them he was elected on doing precisely what he is doing.
“Muh democracy” always meant dictatorship of the Deep State.
Federal employees are strategizing how to resist, up to an including sharing a CIA handbook meant to help bureaucrats in other countries sabotage their government.
No, I am not kidding.
4/6 …continued CIA sabotage instructions…
— Texas Jim (@Texas_Jim_1776) January 29, 2025
Conservatives who are celebrating the disarray among the political left are right that they are back on their heels, but the federal bureaucracy is mobilizing to oppose Trump at every turn. They are plotting what amounts to an insurrection, denying the American people the right to representation by opposing the duly elected president.
But I think it won’t work in the long run. They are going up against an administration that knew this was coming and is prepared for it.
This gets me to my point: right now, we are winning. We are crushing our enemies, driving them before us, and enjoying their lamentations.
I wish it didn’t have to be this way. Sure, we all know that there are tons of worthless bureaucrats doing worthless or even destructive things, but if we were just getting rid of these people for that reason I would wish them luck before we kicked them out the door.
But instead I will take joy in their rage and frustration. They are enemies of the people–they are admitting it by embracing resistance to the will of the people as embodied in this election–and deserve whatever fate they encounter.
Interesting poll.
Downsizing government is the most popular issue by far!
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 29, 2025
Of all Trump’s promises, downsizing the federal government is the most popular, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll (which tends to lean left).
Let’s do it, and enjoy the show.
Read the full article here