No doubt I will get a few emails from people who think I am demonizing people with gender dysphoria for writing about this, but that is not my intent.
People who are genuinely gender dysphoric and not just enjoying erotic Autogynephilia (getting sexually aroused by imagining themselves to be a female and playing out that fantasy) suffer from a potentially debilitating mental illness, and they do need treatment. Not medical treatment in most cases, but serious psychiatric or psychological care.
As with depression or anxiety, “just get over it” is not helpful advice.
But there is a new class of violent trans activism, and it is waaaayyyyy out of control. Mass murders, sexual assaults, vandalism, and threats of or actual use of violence have become quite common, and are far outside the normal parameters of violent behavior in other population cohorts.
These people don’t just want to live their life with dignity; they want to hurt people.
DOJ charges 3 suspects in separate Molotov attacks on Tesla properties—each facing up to 20 YEARS in prison.
– Elias Marquez – Salem, OR
– Jordan Weller – Loveland, CO
– Darnell Brooks – Charleston, SC— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 20, 2025
Transgender people make up a TINY fraction of the population, even with the explosion in self-identity and trans propaganda. Several of the recent school shooters have been trans, for instance, and more relevantly to today’s issues the Tesla terrorism includes a large number of trans activists for some reason.
Read more from @AudreyLStreb here 👇
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 19, 2025
Three out of the four people arrested so far in separate and geographically dispersed attacks on Tesla are transgender. Statistically speaking, the idea that this is random is ridiculous, as in 1 in a billion. If we were taking a random sample of people to commit such crimes, you would expect the chance that any one of them was transgender to be closer to 1 in 1000 or so.
1 in a billion could easily be called unusual, I think.
Meet June Rose, the nonbinary, queer Chief of Staff for the Providence, RI City Council and a Democrat Delegate to the DNC.
He was arrested yesterday for joining the mob of protesters who invaded Trump Tower in NYC.
Seems totally normal and stable…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 14, 2025
A good chunk of sex offenders in prison identify as trans, offending at a dramatically higher rate than the general population. Transgender “women” commit sex offenses at a rate 5x that of the male population, if you can believe that.
Trans violence is getting out of control.
— Department of Government Efficiency News (@DOGE__news) March 20, 2025
Sex offenders who have been released from prison are allowed into girls’ locker rooms without question, leading to reoffense at alarming rates, enabled by leftists who pretend that people with male genitals are always to be believed when they blurt “I am a woman.”
Mental illness is not a guarantee of violent tendencies by a long shot. I know this because my family has a long history of mental illness and none of us is remotely violent.
But certain kinds of mental illness can increase the propensity for violence, and in any case all mentally ill people need outside help, not affirmation of their delusions. We wouldn’t tell a depressed person that they really would be better off dead, and shouldn’t tell deluded people who think they were born in the wrong body that they are right. We should help them accept and be happy with themselves, lest we make them even more mentally ill.
Meet Enver Marius Zueros. A man pretending to be a woman.
He was just charged with kidnapping and attempted murder after he allegedly entered an 89-year-old woman’s home, sprayed her with bear repellent, and tied her to a chair. He then shoved her…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) March 14, 2025
I do not think that gender dysphoria itself is tied to violent tendencies, although that is a personal guess, not based on evidence. Rather, I think the toxic brew of alphabet ideology, oppression-mongering, and the “decolonization” narrative have pushed unstable people in that direction.
And Wisconsin. Trans.
Another Christian school shooting committed by a trans person.
This is what might happen when “doctors” prescribe hormone treatment to mentally ill young people.
— Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis (@DrLoupis) December 16, 2024
Mass shootings are rare, even though it sometimes seems otherwise. Statistically speaking, the number of mass shooters is almost nothing out of 330 million Americans. That such a large fraction of a tiny group comes from an infinitesimally small demographic is a huge red flag.
Trinity Shockley, a student at Mooresville High School in Indiana was arrested by police for reportedly planning to commit a mass shooting on Valentine’s Day.
Shockley self-identified in a personal notebook as a “transgender male who has a lot of homicidal…
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) February 13, 2025
What is happening, I believe, is that a toxic brew of ideology and mental distress have combined to create a sense of peril for trans people and it is transmogrified into hatred of the larger culture. People are constantly told that their unhappiness is caused by a cruel society that hates them and that the proper way to deal with it is to strike back.
My own Lieutenant Governor, Peggy Flanagan, proudly shows off her “Protect Trans Kids” emblazoned with a threat: a knife meant to kill.
Poke around, and you will find countless examples of transgender people threatening violence, committing violence, or fantasizing about it.
Many of these incidents are done by bad people who are inclined to do bad things, but many others have been goaded into a twisted view of the world because of the messages with which they are bombarded.
Riley Gaines doesn’t want to kill trans people. Matt Walsh doesn’t want to kill trans people. I don’t want to kill trans people. In fact, statistically speaking, trans people suffer from one of the lowest murder victim rates in the nation, and most of those victims were sex workers who perform very dangerous work–especially dangerous when they don’t inform their “clients” they are equipped with male genitals.
There are no hunting parties of trans people, but the propagandists keep telling trans people there are.
The result is this: an epidemic of violence by trans people. I fear it will get worse before it calms down.
Read the full article here