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Transnational Elite: We No Longer Believe Anything You Say


There is a vast swathe of people who don’t understand why Donald Trump gets so much support. 

After all, they keep telling us that Trump is a fascist, that Trump is Hitler, that he is Mussolini, that he will be a “dictator on Day 1.” Trump is going to be monitoring the menstrual cycles of every woman in America, forcing them to have babies, rounding up his political enemies, sending Seal Team Six to assassinate his opponents, and will roast puppies alive and force Joe Scarborough to eat them live on TV. 

Trump caused COVID. Trump gave Ukraine to Russia. Trump is an antisemite. Trump is owned by the Jews. Trump sniffs the hair of children and rapes every woman he meets. He is racist, sexist, homophobic, and eats cats. 

Trump is a PSYCHOPATH!

How deplorable must we be to still support this man once we have heard the message of the “EXPERTS?”

The answer is simpler than these people can see. They have lost their power to persuade. 

Ironically, it was the COVID-19 panic that gave the transnational elite the idea that they could do anything to anyone at any time and that people would comply meekly. They managed to create so large a panic that dissenters were hounded, fired, vilified, and censored, and the elite thought that would be the new normal. And if Harris wins, it likely will be. 

But a funny thing happened during and after the panic: a lot of Americans realized that we were being gaslit, and the backlash began. More and more people woke up and realized they were living in a Truman Show, where people behind the scenes stage-managed everything. The truth was massaged, filtered, censored, or “debunked.”

It was all a massive lie. That opened up many people’s eyes, for good and ill. We all now realize that we were lied to about the COVID-19 vaccine–does that mean that all vaccines might be unsafe? Who knows? I THINK most are safe and effective, but I do know that the powers that be will lie to me…

What really broke a lot of people, though, was “sharp as a tack” and “cheap fakes.” For years the media insisted that Biden was 100%, the “best Biden ever,” and similar BS. When the June debate destroyed that narrative, a lot of people were genuinely shocked. 

You and I knew it was all BS, but then again, we knew the media was corrupt to an unimaginable level. 

The dam broke, at least for many people. The media is now the most despised institution in the country. Even many Democrats distrust it. 

It’s no mystery why many people feel comfortable voting for Donald Trump, even though so many members of the transnational elite warn darkly about the rise of Nazism. 

We don’t believe them. They are liars. Hoaxers. Grifters. And aspiring tyrants. 

Read the full article here

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