America does not have royalty. That used to go without saying, but as with quaint concepts like freedom of speech and assembly, modern Americans need more frequent reminders of their political birthright.
Getting out from under the tyrannical British Crown was the motivation for the American Revolution—the tax on tea was only the proximate cause that set off a long-waiting powder keg of resentment among the colonists. Subjects are not citizens, and the founding fathers wanted a system of government that the people consented to.
But though we don’t often admit it, Americans have held onto a certain romantic interest in the trappings of royalty. We are as, or more, obsessed with gossip about the British Royal Family as His Majesty’s subjects are.
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We can see this affection for aristocracy in the strange and frankly un-American title we give to the wife of the U.S. President: first lady (no, it’s not capitalized because it isn’t a real title). The United States does not have lords or ladies; that’s the entire purpose behind the American project. We do not officially recognize an elevated status for the wife of the president; she does not become Queen Consort for four years simply because her husband was elected to office.
That is, unless she is Jill Biden. And that’s DOCTOR Jill Biden to you, serf. Have you noticed how those with Mickey Mouse doctorates like Biden’s—she got hers in the fake field of “education”—are the ones insisting on being called “Dr.” by everyone around them?
It looks like Jill Biden would very much like us to call her Madam President. Take a look at this remarkable spectacle (click below to watch the video):
Wow. A visibly exhausted Joe Biden just held a full Cabinet meeting for the first time in 11 months and immediately turned the mic over to his wife, Jill:
“I’d like to turn it over to Jill for any comments she has. It’s all yours, kid.”
Who is running the country?
— Steve Cortes (@CortesSteve) September 20, 2024
This is footage of the first full cabinet meeting President Biden has held in 11 months. That’s no surprise, of course; everyone knows Biden is in the grip of senile dementia and has spent more time flat on his back at Delaware beaches this year than he has spent on doing his job.
But why is Jill Biden seated at the head of the table where the President should sit? She doesn’t hold any office. No one voted for her. She is quite literally just some guy’s wife.
And why does the new White House stationery bear Jill’s signature underneath Joe’s?
Let’s see what X users have to say about our new first overlady.

Ari here has a point—were you able to understand much of what Joe Biden said in the video above? …To check out the rest of this story, visit WokeSpy.
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