In 2016, you were deplorable.
In 2020, you were a vector of infection and death.
This year you are a Nazi.
What will Republicans be in 2028? Probably genocidal cannibals from space who want to “serve man.”
The level of hatred the left has for ordinary Americans is off the charts, and it is dispiriting that so many ordinary Democrats have been brainwashed by a vile propaganda machine that is working people up into a frenzy reminiscent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.
I cannot describe how sinister this is. Kamala and Walz and their media surrogates are making light of the Holocaust and the murder of 6 million Jews. This the darkest, vilest, sickest campaign tactic I’ve ever seen. They are trivializing the Nazi genocide. They are psychotic.
— Stephen Miller (@StephenM) October 28, 2024
The brainwashing has been going on for years, and by no means is it limited to Trump. It is directed at all freedom loving peoples around the world, especially in the Anglosphere.
I haven’t said this in a while, but I will NEVER forget this sht.
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) October 18, 2024
During Trump’s administration there was a constant drumbeat aimed at Donald Trump, and the hate spewed at Republicans ramped up to an astonishing degree. The Nazi rhetoric began. Not against Trump, which by then had become standard fare against every Republican who ran for president in my lifetime, but against Republicans and Independents who supported Republican candidates.
Far-Left Media Launches All-Out ‘Trump Hitler’ Blitzkrieg With 5,500 Stories In One Week | ZeroHedge
This week, the far-left corporate media hate machine unleashed a ‘blitzkrieg’ of propaganda against the American people, a clear sign of desperation as polls increasingly point…
— Owen Gregorian (@OwenGregorian) October 28, 2024
Turn over any rock and you would find a Nazi, and of course any good American should punch a Nazi.
Democrats in January 2022
— 45% Send unvaccinated to quarantine camps— David Procino (@APBIOonly) October 25, 2024
Donald Trump has famously said that the left isn’t coming after him; they are coming after you and me and Trump is standing in the way. This is indisputably true. The Democrats’ attacks on Trump are really aimed at us. If Trump is Hitler, you are a Nazi. If Trump is a white supremacist, then even the blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Jews are too.
Jewish Trump supporters are FURIOUS about the media calling Trump’s Rally at MSG a “NAZI Rally” 🔥
The media literally hates you!!!— TONY™ (@TONYxTWO) October 28, 2024
I am not a mind reader so I can’t say whether or not any of the people screaming “NAZI!” believe what they say, but it’s clear that they believe that you and me are the scum of the earth. They keep saying so, and for some reason, we don’t quite take them at their word. We think of the Democratic Party as a group filled with people who are mistaken about policy but have good intentions.
Harris Campaign’s closing message:
– Trump is Hitler;
– His supporters are racist and fascists;That’s the best they have.
— Daniel Baldwin (@baldwin_daniel_) October 28, 2024
That used to be true, but no longer is. The current Democratic Party is driven by hatred, not compassion or even greed. They want you suppressed, censored, and your children to become your enemies. So many Democrats are promoting “no contact” with family members and asking young people to divorce themselves from their families.
A growing movement seeks to destigmatize going “no contact” with one’s relatives. Is it a much-needed corrective, or a worrisome change in family relations?
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) October 25, 2024
We are dealing with a hate movement, not a political party. Their goal is to demonize anybody who isn’t part of the “movement.”
This sort of thing is hardly unprecedented in human history. Every totalitarian movement uses this tactic. Isolate people from each other and from any form of dissent. Force-feed propaganda in the schools and in the media. Promote sexual deviancy. And Mao famously pushed for population reduction, forced sterilization, and abortion everywhere all the time.
Notice how this smear uses much stronger language than anything she’s said about the endless parade of Jew-hating, pro-terrorism *actual* hate rallies that have played out in our streets and on our campuses—including in her city—for the last year.
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 28, 2024
The Democratic Party is the party of the brainwashers and the brainwashed. It is dividing the country purposely. It is aimed at demonizing any dissent. It is, in other words, exactly what it warns us Republicans are.
I would never say “the media are the enemy of the people”. We actually need a mainstream media that does its job.
But any media outlet which called Trump’s rally a Nazi rally or called him Hitler is the enemy of truth and democracy. And therefore an enemy of the people.
— Konstantin Kisin (@KonstantinKisin) October 28, 2024
I do not believe the average Democrat is an evil person. That contradicts my experience with ordinary Democrats. But then again, so many of them are so brainwashed that they don’t even see what is before their eyes: that they are being lied to.
Funny that almost none of the people claiming Trump’s rally was a “Nazi” rally said anything about jihadists and their useful idiot leftist allies marching in massive protests while chanting genocidal slogans against Jews.
— Jason Bedrick 🇺🇸🎗️🇮🇱 (@JasonBedrick) October 28, 2024
The fever broke after the Salem witch trials. The Spanish Inquisition didn’t go on indefinitely. The Satanic ritual abuse in daycare moral panic ended. And the Cultural Revolution subsided, although totalitarianism held on in China.
This, too, shall pass. But in its wake will be ruined lives, broken spirits, and residual hatred.
To prevent Trump from becoming POTUS, the left:
1) tried to remove him from the ballot of 16 states;
2) tried to bankrupt him with frivolous civil lawsuits;
3) tried to jail him with fake criminal prosecutions;
4) encouraged hysteria that resulted in 2 assassination attempts.…
— FischerKing (@FischerKing64) October 28, 2024
I fear that violence in the streets is in our near future. Assassins have been stalking Trump, and the rhetoric still heats up. The left is scared that their grip on power and on the minds of their followers is slipping.
What do they have in store for us next?
When Trump wins, Democrats will have their own January 6th and call it “saving democracy” with full support and cheers from the mainstream media, crusading them as “champions for freedom and democracy.” Here’s Jamie Raskin saying it out loud.
— Mike Engleman🇺🇲 (@RealHickory) October 18, 2024
It’s nothing good.
Read the full article here